CV% and CPI values when you don't track cost



Currently, we only have work resources in our project schedules (no material,
budget or fixed cost) and all of our resources (staff) use the same blended
standard rate that we never change. And we don't track cost. Is it correct to
say then our BCWP and ACWP(AC) should be always equal, and have a zero CV all
the time?
I can see that some of our projects show values in fron of SV% and SPI other
that 0% and 1, and I am trying to figure why. (Because our blended standard
rates are not accurate, we can not get accurate values for SV and CV, so we
rae using SV% and CV%, SPI, and CPI measures only).

Thanks for your help!

Jim Aksel

What your settings for cost calculation?
Tools/Options/Calculations tab, near the bottom?
What is your Earned Value Method (Physical%Complete or just %Complete)?

If you key a %Complete instead of letting Project calculate it by you
entering remaining duration, then you might get the situation you describe
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Jim Aksel, MVP

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Hi Jum,

Thanks for your response! Our EVM method is %complete. And we have our time
keeping system (timesheet) integrated with Project Server and Project Client.
So when resources update their timesheets daily, the project managers receive
the updates and if they accept, Project will update the progress. So our PMs
don't, better say should not, update manually.

So based on your comment, one of the reasons might be that because some of
our PMs don't follow the process and update Project manually we get values
other thatn 0% and 1 for CV% and SPI. Did I undrestand correctly?
Thanks again!

Jim Aksel

Yes, I think you've got it. Users should only touch remaining work and
remaining duration.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:

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