Delete is not happening



I have a function, listed below. When I run it, gs_sql is equal to this
(cut from the debugger's view immediate window):

"Delete from tblStudentTracking where student_id = 384 and incident_date =
#10/18/2010# and Incident_Sequence =3"

When I execute the function, no error is registered. But neither is the row
deleted. When I paste the same statement in a Delete query, it deletes the
row fine. What could be wrong?


Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

On Error GoTo Delete_Err

gs_sql = "Delete from tblStudentTracking where student_id = " &
Me!Student_ID _
& " and incident_date = #" & Me!Incident_date _
& "# and Incident_Sequence =" & Me!Incident_Sequence

Call CurrentDb.Execute(gs_sql)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume Delete_Exit
End Sub

John W. Vinson

I have a function, listed below. When I run it, gs_sql is equal to this
(cut from the debugger's view immediate window):

"Delete from tblStudentTracking where student_id = 384 and incident_date =
#10/18/2010# and Incident_Sequence =3"

When I execute the function, no error is registered. But neither is the row
deleted. When I paste the same statement in a Delete query, it deletes the
row fine. What could be wrong?


You might be getting an error and not seeing it. Try using the dbFailOnError
argument to trap query errors:

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

On Error GoTo Delete_Err

gs_sql = "Delete from tblStudentTracking where student_id = " &
Me!Student_ID _
& " and incident_date = #" & Me!Incident_date _
& "# and Incident_Sequence =" & Me!Incident_Sequence

Call CurrentDb.Execute gs_sql, dbFailOnError

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume Delete_Exit
End Sub

This will transfer control to the Delete_Err code if there's any error in the

John W. Vinson [MVP]
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