detect idle and screen saver



I'm using the code posted in KB 128814 to create a detect idle screen in NT 4, Acc 97. The problem is that the screen saver stops the timer from incrementing and closing the app (i've added a debug.print expiredtime to track it). Does anyone know of a work around? Otherwise, it workds great without the screensaver glitch. Thanks


Private Sub Form_Timer(
' IDLEMINUTES determines how much idle time to wait for befor
' running the IdleTimeDetected subroutine

Static PrevControlName As Strin
Static PrevFormName As Strin

Dim ActiveFormName As Strin
Dim ActiveControlName As Strin
Dim ExpiredMinute
Dim StTimer As Singl
Dim EndTimer As Singl

StTimer = Time

If strCurrentDB <> "Rpt" The
Call UpdateRp
End I

On Error Resume Nex

' Get the active form and control name

ActiveFormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Nam
If Err The
ActiveFormName = "No Active Form
Err =
End I

ActiveControlName = Screen.ActiveControl.Nam
If Err The
ActiveControlName = "No Active Control
Err =
End I

' Record the current active names and reset ExpiredTime if
' 1. They have not been recorded yet (code is runnin
' for the first time)
' 2. The previous names are different than the current one
' (the user has done something different during the time
' interval)
If (PrevControlName = "") Or (PrevFormName = "")
Or (ActiveFormName <> PrevFormName)
Or (ActiveControlName <> PrevControlName) The
PrevControlName = ActiveControlNam
PrevFormName = ActiveFormNam
ExpiredTime =
' ...otherwise the user was idle during the time interval, s
' increment the total expired time
EndTimer = Time
ExpiredTime = ExpiredTime + Me.TimerInterval + ((EndTimer - StTimer) * 1000

Debug.Print ExpiredTime '****this time stabilizes at random and does not incremen
End I

' Does the total expired time exceed the IDLEMINUTES
ExpiredMinutes = (ExpiredTime / 1000) / 6
If ExpiredMinutes >= IDLEMINUTES The
' ...if so, then reset the expired time to zero..
ExpiredTime =
' ...and call the IdleTimeDetected subroutine
IdleTimeDetected ExpiredMinute
End I
End Sub

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