displaying warning message



I have a macro in an Excel workbook that imports data into an Access
database. Once the data is imported, the following sub is automatically run
to compact the database for the user.

Several warning messages are displayed as the databases compacts. The
problem is, depending on the number of applications the user has open, the
warning messages do not always display. After a while, another message,
"waiting for OLE automation" error is displayed because the user hasn't
clicked "open" on the warning message.

The reason for visible = false is that we don't want the user to see the
screen change. We want the database compact to be virtually invisible to the

Is there a way to ensure the original warning message will always be
displayed on top of any applications that may be opened? Thanks for the

Public Sub CompactDB()

vDB = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Information").Range("C5")

Set AppAcc = New Access.Application
AppAcc.Visible = False
AppAcc.OpenCurrentDatabase vDB

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

AppAcc.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls("Tools").Controls("Database
utilities"). _Controls("Compact and repair database...").accDoDefaultAction

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
AppAcc.Visible = True
AppAcc.Quit acQuitSaveNone

Set AppAcc = Nothing

End Sub


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