Editable DAP with Linked tables



I have been surfing this site & the web, but I have not been able to find a
straight answer. I realize that DAP is on its way out, and that ASP or
ASP.net is a much better option, but DAP seems like the easiest solution for
me. There will only be about 10 people accessing this database, but since
their use *may* overlap, I thought a DAP would be a good idea.

But so far I have not been able to get more than one table's fields editable.
Mind you, they are both tables, no calculations involved. Also, table1 has a
primary key field of "style". table2 has a foreign key of "style and a
multi-field primary key of about 6 fields.

If I put all the data fields in without grouping, none of them are editable.

If I put all the data fields in and group by style, the wizard tells me
"please select the unique table. This is the table you wish to update".

Are you telling me that it's IMPOSSIBLE to edit fields from both tables in
the DAP??! Is that what you're telling me? Because that's just lame...

Please tell me I'm wrong.



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