Email alert for a milestone



Is there anyway to send an email alert for a milestone? I have a milestone
that is triggered 3 weeks BEFORE another task: it is a task to notify another
deparment that the task is coming down the pike in 3 weeks. However, I don't
want the task to just sit there in the project plan waiting for the PM to
notice it and call up the affected department; as it's so separated from the
target event and on its own I'm afraid it will be easy to miss. Is there a
way for that 3 week-prior-milestone to launch an email to the affected

thanks - Naomi


Hello Naomi,

If you are using Project 2007, you can use the Set Reminder command to
add the Milestone Task to the Outlook task list with a reminder.
However, there is no link between the task in Outlook and the task in

If you are not using Project 2007, I'm afraid there is no automated way
(out of the box) to do what you need. It may be possible through VBA
automation, however, I cannot assist in that matter. If you are
comfortable with VBA and interested in pursuing a possible VBA option,
try posting your specific details to the project developer newsgroup.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project


Hi Julie,
I rated the post useful because I WISH I had the set reminder in 2007 ! As
it is we're on 2003, so I guess no reminder.


Mike Glen

Hi Naomi,

Although it won't generate email, you could set a Deadline date on the
milestone, and when this is passed, there will be a warning in the Indicator
column. Might be better than nothing!

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for Project Tutorials


Hello Naomi,

You're welcome for the information and thanks for the feedback.

Sorry that the set reminder didn't get added until the 2007 release of
Project. Although it would require you to manually set the reminder in
Outlook, if you were concerned about the PM missing the event, I'd set a
reminder in my Outlook schedule to remind the PM :)


Naomin said:
Hi Julie,
I rated the post useful because I WISH I had the set reminder in 2007 ! As
it is we're on 2003, so I guess no reminder.


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