Email using data in form


Neil Greenough

I have a form for different contacts. The form contains a field for the
email address for each contact. This field is called "ABC."

Now, on this form, I want to click on a button and for an email to be
automatically created for the email address in that form, so if I am looking
at Joe Bloggs, who is joebloggs@hotmail, when I click the button, an email
automatically opens adressed automatically to joebloggs@hotmail.

I am using Lotus Notes.

So far, I have the following code. Could you confirm this is the complete
code I should put behind the button? Also, could you please alter the code,
so it copies the info from the field 'ABC', so as to automatically address
the email?


Dim notesdb As Object
Dim notesdoc As Object
Dim notesrtf As Object
Dim notessession As Object
Set notessession = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
Set notesdb = notessession.getdatabase("", "")
Call notesdb.openmail
Rem make new mail message
Set notesdoc = notesdb.createdocument
Call notesdoc.replaceitemvalue("Sendto", strSupportEMail)
Call notesdoc.replaceitemvalue("Subject", "Problem Report")
Set notesrtf = notesdoc.createrichtextitem("body")
Call notesrtf.appendtext("Problem Report")
Call notesrtf.addnewline(2)
Rem attach Error Report doc
's = ActiveDocument.Path + "\" + ActiveDocument.Name
Call notesrtf.embedObject(1454, "", strCurrentPath, "Mail.rtf")
Rem send message
Call notesdoc.Send(False)
Set notessession = Nothing

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