Employee Training Database



I'm in a position of having to develop some type of training db
for my company. I must admit I'm not the most enthusiastic MS Access person
but have been trying to work my way through. I've taken a few classes but the
information covered was not relevant to what I need. It seems so complicated
building the different tables and then making sure everything is linked
together. I that something was mentioned about classroom management. Where
can I find out more about that?

Any and all help greatly appreciated!


I provide help with Access applications for a modest fee. I have developed
several training databases. I can help you with your training database.
Contact me at (e-mail address removed).


John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
I provide help with Access applications for a modest fee. I have developed
several training databases. I can help you with your training database.
Contact me at (e-mail address removed).


These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
Stevie is a known troll who enjoys ignoring that fact and had been
harrassing posters for more than haf a decade.

The fact that he has to continually grovel for work indicates that he has
never impressed his former clients enough for repeat business. His other
posts in these newsgroups are also a testiment to his lack of
professionalism and the lack of quality in his work.

John... Visio MVP

Allen Browne

Hi Shon.

There is quite a bit of work in setting up a training database. As a
minimum, you probably need:
- a table of persons (trainers and trainers)
- a table of units (the subjects taught from time to time)
- a table of classes (each time a subject is offered)
- a table of enrollees (who is enrolled in a class)

You probabaly also need to identify peoples roles, and what units are
expected for each role. From that you can deduce what units each person
should have covered. This will let you identify the gaps (what units they
have not covered, or units where their competency has expired.)

There may be other tables to track attendance, assesssment criteria,
evaluation of each person's criteria, and qualifications/competences earned.


Thank you so much for responding to my request. This sounds way more
complicated than I think my schedule allows. Can you recommend any software
that may help me?

Thanks again



If I may be direct, you've not really defined what you are trying to do.

Also, you have to decide whether or not you want to learn Access well enough
to create your application or not. It will be work and a struggle, but for
someone with that objective, worth it. From your initial comment plus
saying that you want some software to do it for you, it sounds like you are
saying "NOT". If so, then you're on the wrong track in asking for tips on
how to do what you don't want to do. While I certainly wouldn't go to a
forum abuser, you might use a search engine to find an Access developer to do
it for you. Or you might start with spreadsheets or Word processor tables
that lists courses, instances of people taking courses etc. Not a good
platform for data that is inherently relational, but it's something.

Bob Waggoner

There is another way - open Access, select NEW from the File Menu, go to
Templates Online and select Classroom Management. Access creates the database
for you. Once that is done, you can study how it works and learn from that
while you have fulfilled your obligation to the company.

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