Entourage 2008 , Exchange 2007, Blackberry Enterprise Server,Multiple Computers




Sorry for the long subject line, I have a user with a 4 GB exchange
mailbox, he is remote using rpc for two Mac's but are running OS X
10.5.6 with Office 2008 Standard with all updates. He is also running
a Blackberry off the Corporate BES.

The problem is that his syncing was very slow over 6 hour delay even
if he kept hitting send and recieve, I deleted his identity and
rebuilt and he seems to be fine now, the only problem is if he deletes
a message off either mac it does not reconcile among other devices and
exchange server i.e. I can see the messages in inbox on BB, OWA, and
other mac, but if he deletes via OWA or BB it goes away from both Mac

I read somewhere its becuase of his deleted Items folder which has
over 3500 Messages in it, before I force him to delete stuff I wanted
to know if this is infact the problem.

Please help



William Smith [MVP]

Sorry for the long subject line, I have a user with a 4 GB exchange
mailbox, he is remote using rpc for two Mac's but are running OS X
10.5.6 with Office 2008 Standard with all updates. He is also running
a Blackberry off the Corporate BES.

The problem is that his syncing was very slow over 6 hour delay even
if he kept hitting send and recieve, I deleted his identity and
rebuilt and he seems to be fine now, the only problem is if he deletes
a message off either mac it does not reconcile among other devices and
exchange server i.e. I can see the messages in inbox on BB, OWA, and
other mac, but if he deletes via OWA or BB it goes away from both Mac

I read somewhere its becuase of his deleted Items folder which has
over 3500 Messages in it, before I force him to delete stuff I wanted
to know if this is infact the problem.

Having too many messages (thousands) in your default folders such as the
Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, etc., can cause sync problems.

If your user does not want to empty his Deleted Items then he should
move his messages to mail folders at the same level as the default
folders. Try to keep your default folders as clear as possible. Do not
use them for long term storage. Use mail folders for long term storage

Hope this helps!



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