Entourage is not accessing the database -- messages, contacts, etc



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I updated the Entourage 2000 and it comes up as though it is a first time installation. The messages, contacts, etc, are not being accessed. However, they appear to be still there in places like users/tony/Library/Caches/Metadata/Microsoft/Entourage2008/Main Identity/Messages/OT/OB/OM/4K.

How do I connect Entourage to its original database(s)?


Ed Kimball

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I updated the Entourage 2000 and it comes up as though it is a first time
installation. The messages, contacts, etc, are not being accessed. However,
they appear to be still there in places like

How do I connect Entourage to its original database(s)?


This is typically the result of user error.

Did you delete or move any files inside the folder path
~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities
(where ~ represents your home folder -- "tony" in your case)?
That is where Entourage keeps your data, usually in a folder called Main
Identity. If it can't find an identity, it will create a new blank one
there. That is what happened to you.

You need to find the Main Identity folder, either elsewhere on your hard
disk or on a backup, and put it back in Office 2008 Identities.

Diane Ross

they appear to be still there in places like

These are your Spotlight cache files. Your data is stored in your Identity
in the database file.

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/Main Identity

When Entourage opens in a new blank Identity, it's usually User error.

Most likely you have accidentally moved your data. Hopefully, you have not
deleted the file. If you have deleted the trash, it's gone. Sorry!

Select Switch Identity (under Entourage in the Menu bar) and see if your old
identity is still listed.

To find your old database, search for "Microsoft User Data" (without the

If you have not used a new identity in Entourage, then copy the entire
Microsoft User Data folder to the correct location.

Fix if you have more than one Microsoft User Data Folder...

Move the entire identity folder you want to use to the Office Identities
folder that Entourage is recognizing. Your identity is named "Main" by
default. Be sure to rename one so you do not overwrite. Your identity folder
can contain more than one identity. Switch Identities to view your old mail.
If you have not used the new identity, delete it. If you have used it and
want to combine the new mail with your original database, drag each folder
to the desktop from one identity. This creates an MBOX file. Switch
identities. Drag the MBOX files into the folder window of Entourage.

You can delete the old folder after you are satisfied with the transfer.

Sometimes updating software (including the OS) can cause problems where
files go missing. See this link for help finding 'lost' files.


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