Entourage Quits While Composing Email w/ "Mail Error"



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)
Processor: Power PC

Hi. I'm a newbie here, sent by Microsoft Tech SUpport. I'm grateful you're here.....

For starters, I have Entourage10.1.6 from Office X for Mac. And my Mac is 10.3.9 on a Power PC G4 tower....

For the past week I have been unable to Compose New Msg, Reply or Forward an email on my Entourage (Office X) without it suddenly freezing after just a minute or two of typing.... Two things happen: (a) the message freezes on the screen and (b) the entire computer freezes -- it won't let me hit the desktop and do something else while it chills out. The cursor is totally paralyzed.. I also notice during this time that the FROM (my email name) is Grey -- regardless of which email address I use (I have 3 FROM addresses)....

Finally, after a minute or two, I get a msg on my frozen screen that says "The action could not be completed. Mail error." I hit OK. The msg pops up again. I hit OK. We do this dance a half-dozen times......

I then do one of two things to get out of the program: (a) I hit FORCE QUIT, in which case a portion might show up on Drafts but usually I lose it all, including not only the text I have written but all history that any message had ever been attempted; OR (b) It unfreezes long enough for me to go to either FILE & QUIT ENTOURAGE OR I hit the little red circle that's on top when you want to close the screen window (what do you call that? On my computer at the top barof the program it's a red circle next to yellow circle next to green circle)....

In the latter scenario of FILE& QUIT or the little red circle, I get a series of messages: (a) "Do you want to save your changes to this message?" I hit SAVE, then (b) I get a message that Entourage will put it in the Drafts folder, and hit OK or SAVE; BUT (c ) "Action could not be completed. Mail error."... I then hit OK a few more times, and finally it lets me do the FILE-EXIT and a portion -- but only SOME -- of my message gets saved in the Drafts.....

I COPY whatever I have saved in the Drafts version, and then PASTE it on new message. I can NOT use the Draft version as my baseline. I’ve got to start fresh with a New Message or go back to the original and hit REPLY or FORWARD from scratch.... Anyway, if I manage to write the world's shortest message or if I manage to do the PASTE and then write a bit more before it freezes, I have NO problem Sending it. Ditto, no problem RECEIVING emails....

It seems that the amount of time I spend writing the email is what triggers it - it'll let me go for 30 seconds to about 2 minutes, I'd say. But it almost ALWAYS crashes when I try to add a cc or bcc and it's very quick to crash when I add the Subject line (so that's the last thing I do.)......

What is happening?? I noticed this began when I did a RESTART on my computer about a week ago because my Printer was not responding. I hit RESTART and the printer didn't work, then a friend suggested I hold the CONTROL down after I Do the Restart... Well that helped with my printer, but soon after (but not immediately -- maybe the next day) my email went nuts.. I then did a normal RESTART without holding down anything, and it has continued...

WHAT do I do?? I've seen some replies to other Entourage crashes questions that say something about rebuilding Databases, etc, but I am totally clueless.....

Pls, if anyone out there could give any advice, can you pls pretend that you're speaking to a toddler and do the (a) Go to your applications folder (b) look for this (c ) double click on that, etc etc.

* *Also, while I'm at it: My LIFE for the past 8 years is in my email, tucked in folders. (My divorce communique with my ex plus lawyers, 800+ messages I should be happy to lose, but just in case....) . HOW DO I SAVE THEM??? Someone told me eons ago that I drag the folder onto my desktop or something, but then put some extension on it, like .xrp or .qdf or something like that? Is that what I do -- drag to desktop? What is the extension? Can I then p


oooooooops. I'm in the wrong Forum. Thanks Clive for the link to the Entourage folks. That was very kind!! Best, Marianne

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