Error 3052 MaxLocksPerFile exceeded


Peter Hibbs

Access 2003

I am running the code below :-

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblProducts", dbOpenDynaset)
Do Until rst.EOF rst.Edit
rst!Surcharge = txtSurcharge
.... some other fields updated here

On the rst.Edit line I get the error :-

Run time error 3052.
File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry

This happens after 9109 iterations. The table tblProducts has 19234
records so it is a bit inconvenient if the user wants to update more
than 9000 records.

The MaxLocksPerFile value on my PC is set to 0x0000251c (9500) but I
really don't want to have to change that value as this DB will be used
by several companies that I don't have direct contact with.

Also, I don't want to have to use an Update query to make the changes
as the VBA code (not shown here) allows the user numerous options to
change/update various fields which would be difficult to manage in

Anyone have any ideas on a fix for the problem.

Peter Hibbs.

Glenn Siswick

Take a look at the SetOption Method in help.

(DBEngine.SetOption dbMaxLocksPerFile, 20000)


Peter Hibbs


Excellent, that works perfectly (and it does not change the Registry
setting permanently which is useful).

Thanks again.


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