Error msg: The Command 'SaveRecord' isn't available - Help



Hello -
I'm running a code to send a record from my DB_A to DB_B.
The function "M_Valid_sMissingValAlert" checks whether the entire required
fields in the form were filled properly. It receives the form as reference
and the definition of the tag, which represents the required field (the "req"
is in the tag property enter by the programmer).
Me.sFKContact is the foreign key that supposes to be created in the DB_B.
M_AccountAPI_NewContactExport is the function the send the information to
the DB_B, it return the sFKContact (Foreign key from the DB_B, which is saved
in DB_A).
M_ErrMngr_RaiseErr is a function to handle Errors.

I activate the code with a botton " btnContactToCAS", and its stops in the
" DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord" line every time again.
The first error massage is "object not found "F_Contact" '|' ".
I don't understand it, because when I'm adding a new contact, and save it
(on the afterUpdate event), and the contact is not in DB_B alrealy, then
automatically the code goes to btnContactToCAS_Click and run the procedure
with 100% success.
So – What am I doing wrong here ???

Here is the code that I write.
Thanks !

Private Sub btnContactToCAS_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnContactToCAS_Click
Dim sMissingFields As String
sMissingFields = M_Valid_sMissingValAlert(Me.Form, "Req")
If Len(sMissingFields) <> 0 Then
GoTo Err_btnContactToCAS_Click
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If IsNull(Me.sFKContact) Or Me.sFKContact = 0 Then
Me.sFKContact = M_AccountAPI_NewContactExport("CAS",
MsgBox "This Contact is already in DB_B", vbOKOnly +
vbInformation, "Contact In DB_B"
End If
End If

Exit Sub

Call M_ErrMngr_RaiseErr(36, 4, err.Description & Chr(13) & Form.Name &
Chr(13) & sMissingFields, True, True)
Resume Exit_btnContactToCAS_Click
End Sub

Public Function M_Valid_sMissingValAlert(ByRef MyCurrentForm As Form,
sWordInTag As String) As Strin
On Error GoTo Err_MissingValAlert
Dim TheForm As Form
Dim sMissingFields As String ' îçæé÷ àú äùãåú áäí çñø òøê.
Dim ctlCurrentControl As Control
Set TheForm = MyCurrentForm
Set ctlCurrentControl = MyCurrentForm.Controls(0)
sMissingFields = ""

For Each ctlCurrentControl In TheForm.Controls
If ctlCurrentControl.ControlType = acTextBox Or
ctlCurrentControl.ControlType = acComboBox Then
If ctlCurrentControl.Tag = sWordInTag Then
If IsNull(ctlCurrentControl.Value) Then
If Len(sMissingFields) = 0 Then ' Concatenation of
the missing important fields
sMissingFields = ctlCurrentControl.StatusBarText
sMissingFields = sMissingFields & ", " &
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next ctlCurrentControl

M_Valid_sMissingValAlert = sMissingFields
Set TheForm = Nothing
Set ctlCurrentControl = Nothing

Exit Function

Call M_ErrMngr_RaiseErr(32, 4, TheForm.Name & Chr(13) & err.Description,
True, True)
Resume Exit_MissingValAlert

End Function

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