error while installing Excel 2007 Beta2



I've been using Word and Outlook 2007 Beta2 since MS released it and today
went to install Excel but keep getting an error. The install box keeps
coming up with this dialogue box: "Setup cannot find Pro.WW\ProWW.xml.
Browse to a valid installation source, and then click OK"

Not knowing where that file might be I did a Search and search didn't find
it so I manually looked for it and found that file is lcoated at
"C:\Documents and Settings\MY XP PROFILE\Local
Settings\Temp\OWP13.tmp\Pro.WW" so I pointed the installer to that location
but it says FILE NOT FOUND.

I have tried a reboot and then another attempt to add Excel but it fails to
work and gives me the same error again!

Any ideas?

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