Errors occurred while archiving



I had had some recent problems with opening outlook after an old version of
WinFax Pro was installed. It has since been uninstalled and outlook works.
Now, however, I am getting the following errors which show in in the archive

Error while archiving folder "All" in store "Personal Folders". Cannot read
archive properties from folder All. Cannot create archiving properties.
Could not complete the operation because the service provider does not
support it.

Error while archiving folder "" in store "Personal Folders". Cannot read
archive properties from folder . Cannot create archiving properties. Could
not complete the operation because the service provider does not support it.

Error while archiving folder "All" in store "Archive Folders". Cannot read
archive properties from folder All. Cannot create archiving properties.
Could not complete the operation because the service provider does not
support it.

Error while archiving folder "" in store "Archive Folders". Cannot read
archive properties from folder . Cannot create archiving properties. Could
not complete the operation because the service provider does not support it.

Any ideas as to how to correct this?

Thanks in advance,


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