Excel 2007 running out of resources


Dave Barkley

I have upgraded a few users to office 2007. I have a few people in the
accounting group who have larger than normal excel files with a lot of
linking in them. They are constantly getting the error low on resources and
then they lose what they had been working on. Before upgrading to 2007 they
never had these errors in 2003. Before I upgraded their computer I installed
4 gig of memory and since the problems, increased the page file to its max.
I have also turned off automatic save and automatic link updates. This still
has no affect they are still getting the resources error. The one thing to
note is that the file is still in 2003 format because they are scared they
will lose all links and formating if they convert it.
Any help or suggestions would be great.



I'm afraid the Mac Excel group isn't the better place to ask these questions
but that's where you've landed :) You can reach the PC Excel groups from
the following link, but I believe your obstacle may be a Windows memory
allocation issue having nothing to do with Excel:


Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 9/24/08 3:11 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Dave Barkley" <Dave

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