Excel Form "Component Not Registered"


Vincent H

I am using several excel spreadsheet that are working on many other machines
but they all of a sudden started giving me a "component not registered"
error. I don't know of any changes to my workstation environment.

In order to debug, I stripped down the excel spreadsheet to the bare
minimum. I noticed that when all the forms were removed from the spreadsheet
that the problem disapeared. I removed everything in the spreadsheet except
for one form and a Workbook_Open() procedure. No problem occurs if I have an
empty procedure but as soon as I even put a comment in the procedure, the
"component not registered" error appears as soon as I open the spreadsheet on
the problem workstation. On a workstation in which I was able to work with
the form, I removed all code and widgets. So it is basically an empty form.

I also created a duplicate form in the spreadsheet such that all the
properties are the same except the name. On the problem workstation, I get
an error when the skeleton of the old form is in the worksheet but not when a
manually created copy is there.

I've done a diff on both the frm files and frx files of the skeleton and the
manually created file. The frm files differ as one would expect since they
have different names. The frx files on the other hand have a few unprintable

Actually there are probably about 2 dozen people who are able to use these
spreadsheets without a problem. And there are two workstations that don't.

I'm wondering if there is a compatability problem between forms created
several years ago and the software on my workstation now. However, other
question is why this problem only affects two people. I believe we are all on
the same version of excel which for me is 11.8316.8221.


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