Excel shuts down when I save a file...



We use excel spreadsheets for all our scheduling. And we break it down by
month. Last month (Oct) we added a summary page to the file. And this month
(Nov) I am having a problem with the program shutting down everytime I try to
save the file. I can open it, look at it, go from day to day, but if I try to
save any information on the page, it shuts Excel down.

I have copied the problem signature:
roblem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: EXCEL.EXE
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 36f43422
Fault Module Name: EXCEL.EXE
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 36f43422
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00144139
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 744e
Additional Information 2: abd56c11cc49765ed37e7564b4111b96
Additional Information 3: 7b4e
Additional Information 4: be853f52f7e042a0713e426effbc8335

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 384521341

If anyone knows what this is and how to fix it please let me know as soon as
possible. Thank you


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