Exit from Excel edit mode using IDispatch



Exit from Excel edit mode using IDispatch

I've searched Internet and groups, but can't find a solution to this.
Can anyone, please, tell, is there any way to perform exit from Excel
edit mode in programmatic way with either accepting user input or
cancelling it. I need to do that from another application using the
IDispatch pointer to Excel. Here is another trick comes out: I can get
the pointer to the active instance of Excel. I can even determine if
is it in edit mode (just call the function to activate my ole object
of excel and I get the E_OUTOFMEMORY error. That is understandable).
So when I detect, that excel is in Edit mode, is there any way to tell
excel to exit that mode? Any ideas? Thanks for any help.

Colby Africa

It sounds like you need to call the following:


In order to fully exit and close the Excel process. It has been years
since I did anything like that though!




Thanks, however the problem is a bit different.

User opens some file and starts editing the cell, thus putting excel
into the edit mode. Then I launch my application that works with excel
ole object. And I can't activate that object, bacause of an error.
I've ivestigated that issue and found out, that this is because excel
is in the edit mode. So, I basically need to tell excel to exit that
mode. If its possible :)

Andrei Smolin [Add-in Express]


Excel provides the Application.Interactive property. Try (and catch) to set
it to false. If the exception fires, you cannot do anything because the edit
mode is on.

Regards from Belarus,

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader


Thanks. That's one more way to find out if edit mode is on. The
question is still open: is there a way to turn it off?...

Colby Africa

Have you tried to set focus to another control on the application that
is hosting Excel?

Andrei Smolin [Add-in Express]

If this is possible, I'd rather not take upon me the responsibility for
saving changes made by
the user.

Regards from Belarus,

Andrei Smolin
Add-in Express Team Leader

Steve Dalton

This probably is a horrible way to approach the problem, from a style point
of view, but would sending the Excel application either an ESC (would clear
edit and other user-interaction modes) or ENTER (would accept user input or
execute a paste operation, etc.) keystroke via the Win32 API work for you?
The latter might carry risks that are unacceptable, the user getting things
copied over existing cells, for example.


Thanks. By now, I've made it such a way, that I ask user to exit the
edit mode and click Retry. Interesting thing: I was sending the Enter
key, but it didn't work if a save dialog was opened and the focus was
on some folder - it just opened that folder in the dialog :) If I send
ESC key, then it exists the save dialog, but looses the changes made
by user. Looks like the only way is to ask the user what he/she want
to do. And another thing: sending keys does not work the same on
different versions of office. Excel 2000 just did nothing...
Well, anyway, thanks you for your help.

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