Export to CAD text problem


Bob Carswell

When I try to convert Visio 2000 Technical drawing to
CAD .dwg the fonts and text format convert improperly. I
create a text block on Visio drawing. When converted to
CAD the TABS & CARRIAGE RETURNS appear as "?" (question
marks) so my format, paragraphing , etc. is hosed and it
makes thetext very hard to interpret when viewed in
AUTOCAD. Also, the size of the font changes, gets larger.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....

Randall Arnold

Text conversion is rarely 100%. Same with dimensions. Visio and AutoCAD
handle these entities very differently from each other. I doubt there's
much you can do about your situation; I have experienced similar results and
never found a resolution. Sorry.

Randall Arnold


I have problems with files imported from FastCAD which
have been saved in .dwg format. Haven't had much luck
with importing from other programs either. My experience
is that importing is hit and miss.....may work, may not.

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