Extracting data from Pivot



i am struggling to find an easy way to get all the orders containing ONLY
product A and B. Here is the kind of spreadsheet i have:

Column A Column B Column C
Order# Product Quantity
00001 A 3
00001 B 4
00001 C 5
00002 A 1
00003 B 3
00003 C 1
00004 A 3
00004 B 4
00004 C 4

I want to get just the orders that contain product A and B (basically 00001
and 00004). Can't do it with my pivot without creating an additional column
and extracting the orders that contain A and B, not elegant and time
consuming. I am sure excel has something built-in that allows you to do that
quickly. Am I missing something?
thank you,

Gilles Desjardins

Hi Gigi,

Data, Filter, Auto Filter. Then in the Product column click on the small
black triangle, click on Custom and choose equal to A and OR equal to B




hi Gilles, i tried doing this but the problem is that it filters the products
out only. I need to get the orders that contain product A AND product B. With
the auto filter i get (from the previous example):

whereas what i need to get is:



hi Gilles, i tried doing this but the problem is that it filters the products
out only. I need to get the orders that contain product A AND product B. With
the auto filter i get (from the previous example):

whereas what i need to get is:

all the orders containing A and B at the same time.

Peo Sjoblom

I don't see the logic in that, if you want ONLY A AND B you can use custom
but in your example it seems that you want C as well?
Auto filter can only customize for 2 text values if you want more you can
use the advanced filter or add a helper column and use autofilter


copy down then filter on TRUE

however if indeed you want only A and B you can use autofilter

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