Function for Numbering Table

  • Thread starter Marcelo Henderson via
  • Start date

Marcelo Henderson via

How can I make a function that fill automatically a table with numbers :
1 to 500



How can I make a function that fill automatically a table with numbers :
1 to 500


Assuming you already have a table name "tblOfNumbers" with a field
named "ANumber", Number datatype, Field Size LongInteger (or Integer).

Change the table and Field names as needed.

Public Sub FillATable()
' Will fill a table field with incremented numbers
Dim Db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim lgCounter As Long
Dim intStart As Integer
Dim intEnd As Integer
Set Db = CurrentDb

Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset("tblOfNumbers", dbOpenDynaset)
intStart = InputBox("From?", "Start with #", 1)
intEnd = InputBox("To?", "End with #", 500)

On Error Resume Next
For lgCounter = intStart To intEnd
With rs
![ANumber] = lgCounter
End With
Next lgCounter
Set rs = Nothing
Set Db = Nothing

End Sub


I just did this today. If you only have 500, there is a simple way to do it.
Just open the table, put 1 at the frist record and 2 at the second record,
then immediately (before doing anything else) push the downward arrow key and
Access will fill the number for you. It is kind of like a spread sheet where
you fill a couple of numbers and then drag down to populate the reset of the
cells. It just take a few seconds.

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