Graph not displaying correct info on x Axis



Hi All

I am trying to create a pie chart on a database used for managing archive

I have two tables that essentially contain:

tblDepartment (containing DeptID and DeptName)

tblArchives (containing ArchiveRef, ArchiveStatus, BoxLocation, DestroyDate
and DeptName – which is a lookup from tblDepartment,)

I use a query (qryArchivesConfirmed) to show me all the archive boxes that
been audited, and status is “Confirmedâ€.

My problem is that when I use the chart wizard to display a pie chart based
on the query, it shows me the data perfectly, but on the X-Axis instead of
showing me the DeptName field, it shows the DeptID. I am guessing this is
something to do with the lookup, but can’t figure out how to sort this
problem out.

In the properties of the graph, the row source is as follows:

SELECT qryArchivesConfirmed.DeptName, Count(*) AS [Count] FROM
qryArchivesConfirmed GROUP BY qryArchivesConfirmed.DeptName

Any help much appreciated!


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