Help with CountIF / SUM




I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, apologies if not. I couldn'
see a general formular help section.

I have some data and need to do a COUNTIF but based on two seperat
conditions. I need it to count items only if there is a "3" in column
AND a "7200" in column B.

I've tried using the following:


However this adds the total of "7200"s and the total of "3"s, regardles
if they 'match' in the same row.

I also tried:


with no luck and:


But this just returns 0, not sure why.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working?

Many thanks for any help you can offer

Claus Busch

Hi Pete,

Am Wed, 9 May 2012 09:15:15 +0000 schrieb pete212:
I have some data and need to do a COUNTIF but based on two seperate
conditions. I need it to count items only if there is a "3" in column J
AND a "7200" in column B.

you are looking for numbers. Therefore you have to write the numbers
without quotes:
or if you have xl2007 or later:

Claus Busch

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