Help With Report Subtotals


Karl Burrows

I have a report that creates subtotals for monthly sales, then another
footer for annual sales and finally a footer for grand totals. Right now,
the yearly subtotal will pull out each year, but how can I differentiate
between a partial year and a full year in the subtotal descriptions, It
just says for year 2005?

="Summary For " & Format([edtActualClosingDate],"yyyy") & "Lots Sold= " &
Count([LotNumber]) & "Average Lot Price= " &
Format(Avg([LotPrice]),"Currency") & "Total Lot Price = " &

Users are required to input a starting and ending date range, but if they
only put in 3/1/2005 to 6/30/2005, how can I tell the report to look at it
and if it is a full year (or year to date) to keep using current syntax and
if it is a partial year to say March 1 to June 30, 2005 for the footer
total? Or, if years overlap, it will show yearly totals (example: input
range 7/1/2004 to 6/30/2005 to show 7/1 to 12/31/2004 as a subtotal and 1/1
to 6/30/2005 as a subtotal)


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