Help with VBA for document formatting.




OK, change 'Replace' to 'Application.Substitute'.

[Microsoft MVP - Word]


Sub CleanUp_Indenter()
Dim i, j, k As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
For i = 1 To .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
k = Len(.Cells(i, 1).Value) - Len(Replace(.Cells(i, 1).Value, ".", ""))
If InStr(.Cells(i, 1).Value, ";") > 0 Then _
.Cells(i, 1).Value = Left(.Cells(i, 1).Value, InStr(.Cells(i, 1).Value, ";") - 1)
For j = 1 To k
.Cells(i, 1).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

or, for progress feeback via the status bar:
Sub CleanUp_Indenter()
Dim i, j, k, l As Long
Dim SBar As Boolean
SBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
l = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
For i = 1 To l
k = Len(.Cells(i, 1).Value) - Len(Replace(.Cells(i, 1).Value, ".", ""))
If InStr(.Cells(i, 1).Value, ";") > 0 Then _
.Cells(i, 1).Value = Left(.Cells(i, 1).Value, InStr(.Cells(i, 1).Value, ";") - 1)
For j = 1 To k
.Cells(i, 1).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Application.StatusBar = i & " of " & l "records processed."
End With
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = SBar
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Note: the progress report will slow things down slightly.

Hi, macropod.

I tried the both subroutines above and this time I got an error
message. With both the Replace function becomes highlighted when I try
to run it and I get a message that says the highlighted function is
not defined. I checked the spelling to make sure I had not mistyped
any of the commands but it all appears to be just as you wrote it.

Any ideas of what might be happening ?

Thanks again for all your help.


Rob Schneider

See bottom.


On Dec 16, 1:06 am, Rob Schneider
Hello, Rob.
I just tried your Python routine but got an error message stating the
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/ can't open file '':
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
At first I thought it had something to do with the fact that it might
be looking for the file '' in the main directory while I
had it on my desktop. So I transferred the files to the main directory
but nothing changed - the result was the same error message.
Is there something I am missing ?
Thank you,

It means that you launched Python and asked it to load the
'' file and it can't find it. Probably because when you
launched Python the file and the input file was not in
the current directory. It has to be in the 'current directory' simply
because you did not give a full path to the actual file location. The
computer has to be told what to do. It cannot read the user's mind.
I don't know what you mean by "main directory".
'' is the name I suggested you give to the little
programme file. Is this the file name you gave it?
The error message suggests that it can't find the file; so on that that
basis let's go through the steps to take. I will be *very* explicit.
While there are a lot of words here, it is simple.
1. Launch the Mac program "TextEdit" using Finder and from the
Applications Folder.
2. Copy/paste the program I provided previously into TextEdit. Edit
the name of the input file name and output file name you will use. I
suggest "input.txt" and "output.txt". Use whatever you like. Ensure
that the indented portions of the program are, as mentioned previously,
all four spaces (or if not four then must all be the same, e.g. three)..
Do not use tabs, do not use inconsistent indents.
3. Save the file into the "Documents" folder as ''.. (You
can put it in any folder you like, including Desktop ... I just say
Documents just so that I can write this procedure and pick an existing
folder to avoid creating a new folder which adds more steps to the
4. Copy the file which holds your text that you wish to transform into
the "Documents" folder. Use Finder.
5. Open the Mac "Terminal" program. You'll probably find it on the
"Dock" but not there, launch it via Finder in the Applications/Utilities
folder (help at Google "launch mac terminal")
6. Unless you changed something, the Mac will put you into terminal
mode in the /Users/[youruserid] folder. Change to the Documents folder
by issuing the command (without the quote marks), "cd Documents" then
press Return Key.
7.The "current directory" will be /Users/[youruserid/Documents". Check
this by issuing the command "pwd" to see the *p*present *w*working
8.Confirm that your " is there by issuing the command "ls" and if it is the Mac will respond by by showing you the
file name. If the file is not present, go back to steps 1, 2, and 3.
This file must be in this folder simply because we keep it simple by not
putting it elsewhere which would require giving a full path name when
launching the program.
9.Confirm that your input file (called "input.txt"???) is in that folder
by issuing the "ls input.txt" file. If it is not there, then go to step
4 above. This file must be in this folder simply because we keep it
simple by not putting it elsewhere which would require giving a full
path name in the programm.
10. Issue the command "python" which will a. launch
Python, b. load the "" file from the current directory
(Documents), then run that program. It should create the file
output.text (or whatever you called it in step 2 above) into the current
folder (Documents). It should only take a few seconds (depending on
the size of the input file).
11. With Word or TextEdit, look at the output.txt file and see if it
did what you wanted.
12. If it did not, then you need to adjust the Python program to do
what you actually want if you want to use Python. You may also find
that the input data format/pattern is not exactly as expected and
therefore the program may not work. You can then chose to change the
data format/pattern, or make the program more sophisticated to enable
transforming the unexpected format/patter. That's just life when
munging data.

Hi, Rob.
I just tried the Python program as you suggested. Thank you for the
detailed instructions that made every step easy to follow.
I am note sure if the program runs or doesn't. After I press enter
Terminal immediately displays the next line waiting for input and
doesn't show any error message. However, as I go into the Documents
folder I simply can't find the "output.txt" file that the program
should have saved. I also tried a spotlight search but couldn't locate
any file in my system with the name "output.txt" (I did this just to
make sure it had not saved the program to a different location
although I can see that Terminal is looking at the "right" folder).
What do you think may have happened ?
Thank you very much for your help and for the detailed explanation and


I haven't a clue what happened on your computer and why this is so hard
for you. What do you think is wrong?

I don't have a clue if Spotlight will find a recently-created file. Why
do you think the program will have chosen on it's own to save it
somewhere other than the current directory. It will only do that if you
told it to. You don't say that you ran the program from the Documents
folder. The program, as provided, will put the output file in the same
folder as the input file.

As you can see in the original source code I put in no statements to
show progress of work. This is something that you could have done to
debug it. From the symptoms you provide the program did work and there
were no errors and the output file should have been created in the
current directory. But I don't know where you told the program to put
the file.

Here is a *more* sophisticated version of the program (with a *lot* of
additional exception checking and output statements to show it's
working. It's the same program just with added extras (watch that lines
don't get garbled. remember the four space indent rule):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# change these if you want. without folder names,
# the current directory assumed
ifn="input.txt" # inputfile name
ofn="output.txt" # outputfile name

print "EXCEPTION: can't open input file."
print "EXCEPTION: can't open output file."
print "EXCEPTION: can't read input file."

for line in inputtext:
if len(t1)< 2:
print "ERROR: no ';' in input line. Skipping.",t1
print "...will put %i tab stops in %s;%s" % (cnt,title,data)
ofh.write(tab*cnt+title+' ['+data+']\n')
print "EXCEPTION: can't write output file."
print "EXCEPTION. Can't close output file."
print "\nDone. input from:%s output to: %s." % (ifn,ofn)
print "Check with the command: 'ls %s'" % (ofn)


Here is the input file I used to test (with one error introduced to
check the error checking):

Body Regions;A01
Abdominal Cavity;A01.047.025
Peritoneal Cavity;A01.047.025.600.678
Peritoneal Stomata;A01.047.025.600.700
Retroperitoneal Space;A01.047.025.750
Lumbosacral Region;A01.176.519
Sacrococcygeal Region;A01.176.780
Mammary Glands, Human;A01.236.249

Here is the output printed to the screen for this test:
MacBook:documents rmschne$ python
...will put 1 tab stops in Body Regions;A01
...will put 2 tab stops in Abdomen;A01.047
...will put 3 tab stops in Abdominal Cavity;A01.047.025
...will put 6 tab stops in Mesocolon;A01.047.025.600.451.535
...will put 5 tab stops in Omentum;A01.047.025.600.573
...will put 5 tab stops in Peritoneal Cavity;A01.047.025.600.678
...will put 5 tab stops in Peritoneal Stomata;A01.047.025.600.700
...will put 4 tab stops in Retroperitoneal Space;A01.047.025.750
...will put 2 tab stops in Back;A01.176
...will put 3 tab stops in Lumbosacral Region;A01.176.519
...will put 3 tab stops in Sacrococcygeal Region;A01.176.780
ERROR: no ';' in input line. Skipping. ['BreastA01.236\n']
...will put 3 tab stops in Mammary Glands, Human;A01.236.24

Done. input from:input.txt output to: output.txt.
Check with the command: 'ls -l output.txt'

Here is the result of the ls command:
MacBook:documents rmschne$ ls -l output.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 rmschne staff 416 18 Dec 08:09 output.txt

Hi, Rob.

I just tried to run this second version of the Python program you
provided and it gave me an error message. This is what I got on the
Terminal window:

File "", line 3
"EXCEPTION: can't open input file." 
 print "EXCEPTION: can't open output
"EXCEPTION: can't read input file." 
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The file was saved using TextEdit using UTF-8 encoding. It seems
Python couldn't open the file for some reason. Could it possibly have
something to do with the formatting ?

I followed your instructions to the letter. Changed from the root
directory to the Documents folder to make it the working directory,
issued the ls command and verified that both files were indeed in the
Documents directory. Everything seems to be in the right place
following your instructions.

What should I do ?

Thank you,



The error is *exactly* as it says. There is "invalid syntax" with the
command on Line 3. Sorry, but it is *not* as you conclude that Python
could not open the file, nor the formatting. Error messages should be

From the error message I conclude that you have formatting the program
such that there are no line endings after the lines. I conclude this
because the error message as concatenated the dozen or so lines after
the first line into one line. I do not know how this happened. You are
not copy/pasting right.

1. one line per line of code
2. indents are four spaces increments, (four, eight, or twelve).

I do not know how this flaw in the text file you created happened. I
have never saved a file using "UTF-8 encoding". Setting on my machine
in "automatic".

You ask what you should do.

1. Since copy/paste did not work for you, retype the program *exactly*
as written. Hit the *return* key (with the big arrow) at the end of
each line. Put in four spaces (with space bar) as indents. When
indents are bigger, use the incremental 4, 8, 12, etc.

2. Save in Text Edit with 'automatic' for plain text encoding. (i have
no clue what other settings do.

3. If you get error messages: read them and think what they mean. Read
the Python documentation. It's free.

3. Or you can give up on this. Since Excel works for you. Go with it.
However, excel will take several orders of magnitude more time to
process the files of the size you say you have.

Python works. I do not know why this so hard for you. My offer of a web
conference stands, but please take up this offer soonest.

Rob Schneider

I do not agree the the size of the book about a subject related to it's
complexity for doing simple things. I have given you a very short
program (the first one) that will run. It is simple enough. I frankly
think it's simpler than most any other language. You do not need to
learn more than what an hour or so of reading the first few chapters of
the "Learning Python" book I recommended. It covers everything I gave
you (opening files, writing files, processing text strings, loops). You
do not need to know the entire book! How did you conclude that?

Yes, it probably would take sometime to learn Python. I've been using
it for 10 years (as a tool to solve business and data problems ... not
as a programmer) and I still don't know it all. Never will. It's like
saying someone knows all of Excel and Word. Always something to learn
(as long as one is willing to learn).

While simple, it allows complex solutions and applications applications.
That's what make great tools stand-out.

Yes, it is robust and industrial strength and can do some mighty
impressive things. That's why Google uses it for a lot of their things.

I made my program I gave you a little more complicated when you were
unable to make it work and claimed that it did not work. I put in some
exception detection to help you make it work. Even that did not work for

I really like Python because it is relatively simple to do simple things
like you are doing. It is pretty much exactly what you need (a fast way
to process huge text files and do it in an automated way for future
use). But you can't make it work.

So I recommend you stick with Excel. (Have you ever seen a thing book
about Excel? Excel is also capable of making "big" applications. by
that logic ... )




OK, change 'Replace' to 'Application.Substitute'.

Hello, macropod.

I tried the subroutine as you suggested replacing the 'Replace'
function with 'Application.Substitute' and this time it ran just fine
and with an added level of sophistication I must add for having the
status bar displaying the progress of the conversion. It was quite
impressive to see that and allowed me to keep an eye on my computer to
see just how much more I still had to go.

Thank you very much indeed for all the help and guidance you have
offered me with this important project.

I also want to thank both John McGhie and Rob Schneider for their help
as they made it simpler for me to understand the process and make it

I wish those who celebrate it a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
extensive to your families and loved ones. For those that don't
celebrate these holidays I wish a happy holiday season.

Best regards,



I do not agree the the size of the book about a subject related to it's
complexity for doing simple things.  I have given you a very short
program (the first one) that will run.  It is simple enough. I frankly
think it's simpler than most any other language.  You do not need to
learn more than what an hour or so of reading the first few chapters of
the "Learning Python" book I recommended.  It covers everything I gave
you (opening files, writing files, processing text strings, loops).  You
do not need to know the entire book!  How did you conclude that?

Yes, it probably would take sometime to learn Python.  I've been using
it for 10 years (as a tool to solve business and data problems ... not
as a programmer) and I still don't know it all.  Never will.  It's like
saying someone knows all of Excel and Word.  Always something to learn
(as long as one is willing to learn).

While simple, it allows complex solutions and applications applications.
  That's what make great tools stand-out.

Yes, it is robust and industrial strength and can do some mighty
impressive things.  That's why Google uses it for a lot of their things..

I made my program I gave you a little more complicated when you were
unable to make it work and claimed that it did not work. I put in some
exception detection to help you make it work. Even that did not work for

I really like Python because it is relatively simple to do simple things
like you are doing. It is pretty much exactly what you need (a fast way
to process huge text files and do it in an automated way for future
use).  But you can't make it work.

So I recommend you stick with Excel. (Have you ever seen a thing book
about Excel?  Excel is also capable of making "big" applications.  by
that logic ... )



Please don't take me wrong. I am grateful and really appreciate the
time you have dedicated to helping me with this issue. I have finally
reached the result I needed to reach by being able to edit the file
and achieve the formatting required for my application. But now that I
have done so and no longer have to worry about meeting a deadline I
would like to consider learning a programming language as this project
has shown me how useful it can be to know one for future projects.

I've heard and read of Python before and have no doubt it is a very
powerful language. Basic seems to have its own appeal since this is a
language I've used before so the structure feels far more familiar.
Also the syntax being closer to that of our own human language would
seem faster to learn. Do you agree ? But I understand Basic is
probably not as powerful as Python, requires far more code written to
perform the same tasks and probably can't do some things that Python
can. Is this right ?

Since I'll have a little more available time during the holiday season
I will get me a copy of the Python book you recommended and see if I
can read the first chapters to get more acquainted with the language,
its structure and syntax. I am also going to review and try this last
program you offered me again to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.
Things didn't run and I am sure it is not your fault but it must be
related to something I didn't do right.

I want to thank you again for sharing all the information you shared
with me and for getting me interested in Python. You provided great
references to learning Python and I will use them during the holidays
to get me started.

Thanks again for all your help and happy holidays.


John McGhie

Hi Joe:

Don't confuse "BASIC" with "Visual Basic", and don't confuse "Visual Basic"
with "Visual Basic for Applications", and don't confuse "Visual Basic .Net"
with any of the others :)

Visual Basic is really NOTHING like BASIC. Some of the very old commands
remain, and will still work, but shouldn't be used because there is
generally a better way of doing things. For example: "Go To" and "Go Sub"
and line numbers should never appear in a VB program :)

BASIC is an interpreted language (it converts to CPU instructions while it
is running). Unlike BASIC, VB and VB.Net: they are "compiled" down to
machine code. VB is really "just another high-level language" and you can
write anything you like in it, however, it is full of "Libraries" that make
it much easier to write Windows programs. There are widgets in there that
handle all of the operating system calls and draw all the dialog boxes for
you, so if you are good you can do a lot with 20 lines of code.

VB.Net is the upgraded equivalent. It's strongly object-oriented, and would
be one of the languages of choice for writing cross-application distributed
applications, especially if they are going anywhere near the Internet. The
..Net stuff calls in a whole raft of things that make it easy to write
internet-enabled applications.

If you wanted to start learning one of the "Basics", I would suggest Visual
Basic for Applications (VBA). The difference is that VBA sits "inside" a
running application like Word, so it automatically knows which application
it is supposed to be talking to, which documents are open, and what is in
those documents.

You can do things in a few lines in VBA that would take a couple of
screenfuls of code in VB, because everything the application says and does
is already "known" to VBA. And anything your program does in VBA is
automatically correct in the file, because it is the "application" that does
it. For example: the VBA we sent you for your Excel issue did not have to
worry about finding the correct place in the binary file to insert the
characters you wanted, it could simply call Excel to inject the result
directly into the cell in the native file format. Because it is running
inside Excel, it already knows about Excel and Workbooks and Cells and

I suspect that VBA may be easier to learn in one respect: you already know
how the application you are programming for works. Another way of saying
that is "If you don't know how the application you are programming for
works, you haven't a prayer of writing VBA!"

And the things you write in VBA are immediately useful: because they apply
to the work you are doing in Microsoft Office today. One restriction with
Python is that it is not necessarily very easy to do anything unless you can
render the input file into plain text.

But as Rob points out, Python is VERY handy if you want to mash text
directly :)

You decide your interests, and choose your weapon accordingly. If you were
heading off for a career as a commercial programmer, I would say definitely
start with VBA, because that leads directly to VB.Net, which leads directly
to C#, which is where a lot of the action is in the current Internet Bubble

I suspect that if you wanted to learn to be a good "programmer" you might
want to start with C, then C++ or Objective C, which is what Apple writes



Please don't take me wrong. I am grateful and really appreciate the
time you have dedicated to helping me with this issue. I have finally
reached the result I needed to reach by being able to edit the file
and achieve the formatting required for my application. But now that I
have done so and no longer have to worry about meeting a deadline I
would like to consider learning a programming language as this project
has shown me how useful it can be to know one for future projects.

I've heard and read of Python before and have no doubt it is a very
powerful language. Basic seems to have its own appeal since this is a
language I've used before so the structure feels far more familiar.
Also the syntax being closer to that of our own human language would
seem faster to learn. Do you agree ? But I understand Basic is
probably not as powerful as Python, requires far more code written to
perform the same tasks and probably can't do some things that Python
can. Is this right ?

Since I'll have a little more available time during the holiday season
I will get me a copy of the Python book you recommended and see if I
can read the first chapters to get more acquainted with the language,
its structure and syntax. I am also going to review and try this last
program you offered me again to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.
Things didn't run and I am sure it is not your fault but it must be
related to something I didn't do right.

I want to thank you again for sharing all the information you shared
with me and for getting me interested in Python. You provided great
references to learning Python and I will use them during the holidays
to get me started.

Thanks again for all your help and happy holidays.



The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Rob Schneider

see bottom.



Please don't take me wrong. I am grateful and really appreciate the
time you have dedicated to helping me with this issue. I have finally
reached the result I needed to reach by being able to edit the file
and achieve the formatting required for my application. But now that I
have done so and no longer have to worry about meeting a deadline I
would like to consider learning a programming language as this project
has shown me how useful it can be to know one for future projects.

I've heard and read of Python before and have no doubt it is a very
powerful language. Basic seems to have its own appeal since this is a
language I've used before so the structure feels far more familiar.
Also the syntax being closer to that of our own human language would
seem faster to learn. Do you agree ? But I understand Basic is
probably not as powerful as Python, requires far more code written to
perform the same tasks and probably can't do some things that Python
can. Is this right ?

Since I'll have a little more available time during the holiday season
I will get me a copy of the Python book you recommended and see if I
can read the first chapters to get more acquainted with the language,
its structure and syntax. I am also going to review and try this last
program you offered me again to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.
Things didn't run and I am sure it is not your fault but it must be
related to something I didn't do right.

I want to thank you again for sharing all the information you shared
with me and for getting me interested in Python. You provided great
references to learning Python and I will use them during the holidays
to get me started.

Thanks again for all your help and happy holidays.



There is no debate about Basic being easier than Python to learn. They
both can be as complex or as simple as the other. And debate about it
being close to our own "human language", in my opinion, is not a reason
to consider a tool for using on a computer! (and what "human language"
would you pick? English? Chinese? Russian? Welsh?).

Python is perfect for the problem you were doing. Pending the quality of
the data (which takes time sometimes to sort out), it was a 5 minute
programming job to create a programme that is several orders of
magnitude faster than your Excel solution and set you up for future
automation (a goal you said you had). I realize that 5 minutes was
several weeks ago with many hours of work later. Pity. The point using
computers is to save time; when much time is taken it is clue that the
approach may be flawed.

IMHO, learn Basic if you want to do programming in Excel, Word, etc. (I
don't know what the language will be in next years's version of Office).
Do not fool yourself because of the name that Basic is 'simple' and
'easy'. it is as complex/complicated as any other language. The issue
is solving problems, and problems sometimes are wicked and complicated.

IMHO, because I first learned FORTRAN in the 1960's, langauges since
then have come and gone and some I have "understood" and others passed
me by. Lots of Apple Basic in the early 1980's. I could not figure out
C or C++. Word Basic became a staple in the early 1990's. Dabbled in
Visual Basic. Perl is incompressible to me--but it is powerful with a
rich library and used by millions. But like I said, I'm not a
programmer. I just have to use computers to do the work I do and since
I'm basically lazy, if I "program" the solutions in code it reduces
re-work, my time, and becomes much more profitable.

Python makes good sense to me how it works. Just look at that very
short program I gave you! How much simpler can that be? (Hope you can
make it work.)

The *main* value is not the language but all the libraries and full
functionality provided. The capabilities provided by the standard
install of Python (and Perl for that matter) which *are now* on your
Apple Mac dwarf what's possible in Basic.

You'd have spend fortune in 3rd party add-ins to get more capability.
Becuase of libraries, you can find/lookup a provided-function to fit a
need and solve the problem in minutes! To have to do it yourself in
Basic, if not impossible, would surely cost a lot of money and time.

I don't think you have Basic on your Mac outside of what's provided in
the older versions of Office for Mac. Not sure how you'll find something
that is sustainable in Basic on the Mac. There probably are 3rd party
products you can buy.

As this thread now has nothing to do with Word Mac, time to stop.

Good luck on you exploration.

Clive Huggan

On 23/12/09 7:21 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "JRC"

I wish those who celebrate it a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
extensive to your families and loved ones.


How culturally sensitive you are to we Australians who all still call it
Christmas down here -- at the barbecue, in the golden sun, while imitation
snow, tinsel and reindeer decks the retail outlets! ;-))

And all the best to you too!


Clive Huggan


.... And the reindeer, no doubt, are wearing sunglasses.

Merry Christmas |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Nah, reindeer can't handle the heat. Here it's six white boomers (kangaroos).

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

John McGhie

Nah, they're pissed: they were passing out in the heat, so they stopped at
every chimney for a beer. After 20,000,000 chimneys, Rudolph was the only
one still standing, and even he was a little directionally uncertain...

... And the reindeer, no doubt, are wearing sunglasses.

Merry Christmas |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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