how can I reinstall registered copy of office 2000 without disks?



I tried to clone my old hard drive to a new one. It didn't work and I had to
rebuild the drive from scratch. I can't find my office 2000 disks to
reinstall. It is a registered version and still exists on the old HD - which
is now a slave. Is their anyway to reintall without the disk?

JoAnn Paules

No, you need disks and Microsoft no longer replaces them for a version that


Or you need to find your disks, or someone with the same version that you
can use your key with, but then I guess you will have lost the key also

Iryna B

If your system still running you can use special software to recover your
Windows and Office key. Most of them support some versions of Windows and
some other Microsoft products. Also there is a products like "Recover Keys" ( ) that support all Windows and Office versions and
300+ of other major software packages.

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