How do I calculate a persn's age in years & months in Excel?



I need to calculate a person's age at a given date in years and months (ie
not 23.8years).

If I cannot calculate in yeras and months I need to be able to round down
the year (ie if age comes out at 23.8 I need it to display 23 NOT 24)

Date of birth in column A, other date in column C



One way

In say, D2:
Copy down to return the years.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I need to calculate a person's age at a given date in years and months (ie
not 23.8years).

If I cannot calculate in yeras and months I need to be able to round down
the year (ie if age comes out at 23.8 I need it to display 23 NOT 24)

Date of birth in column A, other date in column C

This should do it...

=DATEDIF(A1,C1,"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A1,C1,"ym")&" months"

although months don't switch over until the actual day. That is, for today
(June 30, 2007), someone born on January 30th or earlier will show X years
and 5 months; but if they were born on January 31st, they would show as X
years and 4 months... the 4 wouldn't become 5 until tomorrow (one day later
when the days match up).


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