How do I correct "Invalid Argument (Error code 3001)


Lowell Smeltzer

When trying to copy from a CD to desktop it indicates the data is "read
only". When trying to open the file I get a "Invalid Argument". In
selecting help it tells me that "Invalid Argument is (Error Code 3001). I
just installed microsoft office professional on a new HP computer and cannot
open this particular access file which had been copied just prior to the old
hard drive crashing. Any suggestions on how to fix my problem. I'm a very
novice in using the computer.

Ken Sheridan


Find the file in Windows Explorer and right click on it. Select
'Properties' and uncheck the 'Read Only' attribute. The error you are
getting is most likely due to something executing at start-up which requires
the file to be updatable, so hopefully this will cure the problem.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Lowell Smeltzer

To Ken Sheridan. I did the operation you suggested. It did not indicate it
was a read only file. Greatly appreciate the help. Lowell

Ken Sheridan


So what did you mean by <it indicates the data is "read
only"> in your original post?

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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