How do I get infopath 2k7 to work with empty columns in XML?



I have recently designed a form in infopath 2007 which connects to SQL 2k5
via a web service I designed. If I enter data in the form, it connects to
the web service and successfully updates the SQl 2k5 server. When I try to
retrieve the data from the server it throws an error:

The attribute '{}space' on the element
'aci_EnteredBy' is not defined in the DTD/Schema.

What appears to happen is that if I haven't filled in all of the form fields
in infoPath, it inserts empty strings into a new SQL 2k5 DB row. When the
web service retrieves all the rows via the web service it serializes the
dataset and hands the dataset to infopath in XML... but rows with empty
columns get the added xml:space="preserve" attribute, which seems to be what
is blowing up.

What am I doing wrong? infoPath 2007 won't seem to successfully read in a
web service that returns a serialized dataset when columns in a row contain
an empty string (zero-length string).

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