How do I stop the opening of a Blank Form in Access 2000?


Will Hunt

I have a query which I have added Criteria to what data is presented when it
opens. Example... I am lookin g for John Smith in a particular field. John
Smith does not exist in the query. I have a Form attached to this query... I
want to stop the form from being opened if someone searches for John Smith...
or any other name that does not exist in the query.

Al Camp

Do a Dlookup against your table with the search value. If Null, then don't open the
form, and post a MsgBox to the user that that record doesn't exist.
If NOT IsNull then proceed normally

Better yet... If your user was presented with a combo box to select a name from... and
that combo was based on legitimate records in your table, then Not In List could be used
to trigger the Open/NotOpen. Given a combo of Name and NameID, you can search for the
record by the key field NameID rather than just the name. (duplicate names will cause

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