How to convert lower case index entry tag to upper case?


Yuri Ivanov

Hello everybody,
I have MS Word 2003 documents that contain many index entries. Some of them
look like this {XE "text"} and some of them look like this {xe "text"}.

I also noticed that if I save the .doc as .rtf then all of my index entries
become lower case, i.e. {xe "text"}.

For further processing I need all index entries to look like this {XE

I cannot find a way to search and replace lower case with upper case in
fields. Is there a way to search and replace or do anything else but to make
them upper case?


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Yuri

Yuri said:
I have MS Word 2003 documents that contain many index entries. Some of them
look like this {XE "text"} and some of them look like this {xe "text"}.

I also noticed that if I save the .doc as .rtf then all of my index entries
become lower case, i.e. {xe "text"}.

For further processing I need all index entries to look like this {XE

That processing must take place outside of Word (or the result of the
processing), since Word doesn't really care about the case here.

I cannot find a way to search and replace lower case with upper case in
fields. Is there a way to search and replace or do anything else but to make
them upper case?

Hmm, a very simple approach would be to search for " xe " (a lowercase
xe preceded and followed with a space; withouth the quotes) and replace
with <empty>, formatting: AllCaps. Unless " xe ".


Yuri Ivanov

Hello Robert,
Hmm, this is just weird, because I have tried simply searching for "xe" and
replacing it with "XE", or as you said using empty formatting set to All

For some reason I could not search inside the fields.

I don't know, but it did not work. Now it is working... I feel stupid!

Thank you!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Did you have Hidden text displayed when you did the search? You could also
try searching for ^19 xe and replacing with ^& formatted as All Caps.

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