How to display my data?



This is a ridiculous question, but I'm having a brain fart and can't seem to
figure out the best course of action... If I have an Orders table which is
intended to display one order at a time, and an order can have multiple items
or part numbers on them, what is the best way to display all associated part
numbers on my Orders form? I'm trying to populate the details of the part
numbers from a combobox, since many of the part numbers are repeated over
time and I don't want data entry to have to re-type this information over and
over. Right now ALL orders information is located in just one table. So I'm
really asking an elementary design question (wrong forum, maybe?). Any how,
I'm thinking that I need three tables. One for my Orders information (this
information would apply to all part numbers on the order) , one for my Part
Numbers information (everything here is the same everytime), and an Order
Details table which would detail the line items by Part Number (information
such as quantity and lot numbers which can vary from order to order and is
specific to the line item in question). If I do that, I can create a
continuous subform on my mainform which would detail my Part Number
information (such as size and alloy), and merge it with Order Details
information (such as quantity, and other information which is line item
specific and that may change from order to order). Does this sound like the
way to go?


Or, perhaps, I could keep the order details in the Orders table and reference
them in the subform with DLookup?


Hi Jay,

Maybe a cheap answer but you are describing the northwind database situation
here. If that's what you are looking for look at the relationshipwindow from
that db and reproduce it to your own situation. Look for
[orders]-[orderdetail] tables, you'll find it looks similar to your



Shoot. I'm re-inventing the wheel again!
Why are you asking me? I dont know what Im doing!


Maurice said:
Hi Jay,

Maybe a cheap answer but you are describing the northwind database situation
here. If that's what you are looking for look at the relationshipwindow from
that db and reproduce it to your own situation. Look for
[orders]-[orderdetail] tables, you'll find it looks similar to your

Maurice Ausum

Jaybird said:
Or, perhaps, I could keep the order details in the Orders table and reference
them in the subform with DLookup?

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