how to retrieve office automation error descriptions?



Hello, All!

I found "microsoft word 97 automation error list" in q244491 and it is very useful. is there a way
to retrieve those help strings programmatically somehow? I mean not from manually created error
table in my application but from the winword itself? the error list file from q244491 mentions "us
english text description as taken from the word resource file", what is it?

Steve Rindsberg

Hello, All!

I found "microsoft word 97 automation error list" in q244491 and it is very useful. is there a way
to retrieve those help strings programmatically somehow? I mean not from manually created error
table in my application but from the winword itself? the error list file from q244491 mentions "us
english text description as taken from the word resource file", what is it?

This program or one like it might let you extract resource information like this:


Hello, Steve!
You wrote on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:36:32 -0400:

SR> This program or one like it might let you extract resource information like this:

I should had mentioned that I altready looked for resource strings within winword.exe before I asked
my question, there are no those resources there

Steve Rindsberg

Hello, Steve!
You wrote on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:36:32 -0400:

SR> This program or one like it might let you extract resource information like this:

I should had mentioned that I altready looked for resource strings within winword.exe before I asked
my question, there are no those resources there

They're not necessarily in the EXE. In fact they're probably in a separate DLL. Check the
other EXE/DLL files in the same directory as the EXE and look for other directories in the
Office hierarchy that have the language id of the language you're after ... 1033 for US
English, for example.


Hello, Steve!
You wrote on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:19:43 -0400:

well, I scanned the whole "windows" and "program files" catalogs using wonderful utility called HR
Plus - still no luck

With best regards, vavan

Steve Rindsberg

Hello, Steve!
You wrote on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:19:43 -0400:

well, I scanned the whole "windows" and "program files" catalogs using wonderful utility called HR
Plus - still no luck

I don't know any more than what I've suggested, I'm afraid.

Tony Jollans

The strings are - or should be - in WWINTL.DLL, which is in the (install
root)\(language id) folder. Whether that is helpful to you is another matter


Hello, Tony!
You wrote on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 18:01:23 +0100:

TJ> The strings are - or should be - in WWINTL.DLL, which is in the (install
TJ> root)\(language id) folder. Whether that is helpful to you is another matter
TJ> entirely.

do you know how to extract meaningful info I'm looking for from that dll?

Tony Jollans

No! Sorry. There is no official information; all you can do is look, and

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