Hyperlink issue



I have a couple of anomolies with excel hyperlinks.

I have a spreadsheet created by copying text from an HTML file (saved
web page).

It has some cells with hyperlinks. These hyperlinks work fine.

When I create a new hyperlink to similar page on the same site thing
work the same as the copied hyperlinks. I create this the same was as
I create the malfunctioning one as below.

This page yeilds a normal working hyperlink - (see last paragraph)

HOWEVER, when I create a new hyperlink, to a different page on the
same site (a link to one of these type pages does not exist in the
original copy) it gives me a warning and opens it in IE - default
browser is Firefox.

this one yeilds a warning message and opens in IE - even though
Firefox is open.

this page is accessed via the normal working page under INSTRUCTIONS,
then clicking the text "PEN & PENCIL KITS"

Doing it this way in Firefox opens the page in Firefox normally.

To create the new link I copy the URL from the web page in Firefox and
paste it into the new hyperlink and I get the problem.

Any Ideas Why???????? And how to fix.

ANOTHER strange thing. If I copy either of the above links from this
text and create another hyperlink by pasting into excel, the link
doesn't work (I get no hand when I pass the cursor over the cell and
clicking on it only puts focus on the cell). Both the above links were
copied and pasted directly from the web page address bar in Firefox.
When I rt click the cell and edit hyperlinks both windows (working and
non-working cells) appear identical.

winXP pro Sp3+
excel 2007
firefox 3.03


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