Illegal Character error in site map report


John Nordyke

I've been using the Visio site mapping to trace out pages in the several
domains of our company's intranet, using the report option to create Excel
spreadsheets of link addresses and parent links.

From time to time, when I attempt to run report on a site map (regardless of
output as Excel, xml, etc.) I get an error - cannot generate report - illegal
character found in shape text.

The only way I can think to spot the offending character is to edit-search;
but I need to know what characters are "illegal" to search for....

An alternative that would fit my need is if anyone can tell me how to get
not only the shape text (which is the link ref of the shape) but also the
"parent link" from the export-database of the site map.

Paul Herber

On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:29:01 -0700, John Nordyke <John
I've been using the Visio site mapping to trace out pages in the several
domains of our company's intranet, using the report option to create Excel
spreadsheets of link addresses and parent links.

From time to time, when I attempt to run report on a site map (regardless of
output as Excel, xml, etc.) I get an error - cannot generate report - illegal
character found in shape text.

The only way I can think to spot the offending character is to edit-search;
but I need to know what characters are "illegal" to search for....

An alternative that would fit my need is if anyone can tell me how to get
not only the shape text (which is the link ref of the shape) but also the
"parent link" from the export-database of the site map.

Would you care to try out my
which can do a complete dump of all the text in a document or page.

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