Insert or Delete column takes too long



I have a machine with office 2007.Two Excel files take about 5-6 minutes to
insert or delete a column, sort, add a formula or anyting else. These 2 files
are located on server. I can open these files on any other WS in Excel 2007
or Excel 2003 and do every thing without any problem.
I copied just the data and pasted on a new workbook and it worked fine. On
the other hand, if I copy the whole worksheet by clicking on the top left
corner and past it on a new workbook, the problem follow the new workbook as
well. I can open this new workbook on another WS without any problem.
I have removed and reinstlled the office 2007 on that machine but it did not
fixed the problem.
I would appreciate any help to find out what is causing it.
Thank you

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