Insert photo in Excel 2007 causes crash



I really don't understand what the problem is...I have a Dell Inspiron
220 with XP Home edition. 512 mgs of RAM and 70 gig hard drive. I got
the Excel 2007 upgrade and it all went well...until I wanted to insert
photos using the Insert tab and clicking Photo. Whenever I do
this...Excel 2007 loads the open dialog box but freezes and then
crashes. I've tried all the workarounds...I did the Microsoft help. I've tried the Update Office component option and
even this wouldn't help. As a last resort I've tried the manual repair
option to fix the installation. This also didn't work.

The funny thing is I've been able to get the Insert Photo option to
work...on my desktop. When I installed the upgrade onto my desktop...the
Insert Photo option works like a charm. I'm baffled about this apparent
inability to use the Insert Photo tool in Excel 2007. I've only been
able to get around this problem by using only Insert Object or even
ClipArt tool...but these become cumbersome on my laptop as it means I
have to do more just to get images onto my spreadsheets. Does anybody
else here have any ideas what could be causing this problem? My system
is updated to the latest Microsoft patches, etc. Any help would be
greatly appreciated as I'm really in the dark about this problem.
BTW...this issue is affecting my copy of Microsoft Word 2007 upgrade as
well. Everything is fine...except insert photo and then the apps crash.
I sent Microsoft my error log...but as you already know...getting around
to fixing problems like this one might last until Microsoft releases a
Service 1 pack. A long time to wait to fix this. Any ideas what's up?


I don't have that problem in either Excel or Word 2007. But both systems I
use it on are desktops with 2GB RAM in them. I'm wondering if it might be a
memory issue, since you mention 'only' having 512MB in the laptop.

I know the requirements for 2007 state that 256MB is required, but I also
see caveats with that statement, like "512 MB RAM... for Outlook Instant
Search." and they note that Word grammar and contextual spelling in Word
isn't turned on until you hit the 1 GB RAM mark.

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