Inserting rows



Hi All

I've got a spreadsheet which is copied from one sheet to another using
VBA, and now I want to format it a little but am struggling. Have
recorded it fine and it works, but if the lines change in the future,
I know this will muck it up. Being still quite a novice, please bear
with me if this seems like an easy question!

Column A Column B

Building 1 10
Building 2 10
Building 3 10
Geography etc...

What I would like to do is after building 3, insert 3 lines and a
total...this involves:

Selection.EntireRow.Insert 3 times and then specifying the range to

The spreadsheet I am working on is a little more complicated as it's a
long list of data with no spaces, and I want to insert lines and
totals at various points, but if I'm got something to work from, then
hopefully that will get me started.

I'm not sure if there is a way of using "If" "then", but I have not
had much joy, I'd appreciate any help that could be given on this!!!

thanks Guys.

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