Inserting text before a bookmark



I guess my question regarding Recreating Bookmarks must not have been clear,
so I am trying to rethink the problem.

How can I insert text BEFORE a bookmark that appears AT THE BEGINNING OF A
LINE? Everything I have tried ends up incorporating the text into the actual
bookmark field.

For instance, I have a variable that stores the SSN#. If there is a value
for this variable, I want to insert BEFORE the bookmark at the beginning of
the line the heading "SSN:" + Chr(9) so that only the SSN# itself is included
in the bookmark range.

Previously I had the following:

oRng.Text = "SSN:" + Chr(9) + bText

but this made the heading "SSN" + Chr(9) + bText the bookmark range, whereas
I only want the actual SSN# (bText) from the variable as the bookmark range
so that reference fields can be used to place just the number (bText) in
other places in the document.

Thanks for any help.

Greg Maxey

This might make it clearer:

Sub PutTextInBookmark()
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Dim oBM As Bookmarks
Dim pSSN As String Set oBM = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
Set oRng = oBM("SSN").Range 'SSN is your bookmark name/set a range = 'the
bookmark range
pSSN = "123-45-6789"' this is your data
oRng.Text = pSSN 'write the text at the defined range
oBM.Add "SSN", oRng 'Redefine the bookmark
End Sub


I really appreciate your help, but I have not found how to reassign the
bookmark. Curently this is some of the relevant code:

Dim bBkm As String
Dim bText As String
Dim bIndex As Long
Dim oRng As Range

For bIndex = 1 To 17

bBkm = Choose(bIndex, "ReportBody", "ValdezPara", "ReportDate",
"Addressee", "AttentionLine", "PatientName", _
"SSN", "EMP", "DOI", "DOE", "ClaimNumber", "WCAB", "Occupation",
"OtherHeading", "ReportTitle", _
"NameFirst", "NameLast")

bText = Choose(bIndex, ReportBody, ValdezPara, ReportDate1, Addressee,
AttentionLine, PatientName, _
SSN, EMP, DOI, DOE, ClaimNumber, WCAB, Occupation, OtherHeading,
ReportTitle, PatientFirstName, _

If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(bBkm) = False Then
GoTo NextBkm
End If

Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bBkm).Range
oRng.Text = bText

Select Case bIndex

Case 7 'SSN

oRng.Font.Bold = False
oRng.Font.AllCaps = True
oRng.Text = "SSN:" + Chr(9) + bText

If you could tell me how to reassign oRng.Text to = bText after oRng.Text
has been inserted into the document, it would really be appreciated.



I forgot the last piece of existing code which recreates the bookmarks:

If oRng.Text <> "" Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:=bBkm, Range:=oRng 'new to test
End If


It comes after all the Case selections.

Greg Maxey

Sub Test()
Dim bBkm As String
Dim bText As String
Dim bIndex As Long
Dim oRng As Range
For bIndex = 7 To 7 '1 To 17
bBkm = Choose(bIndex, "ReportBody", "ValdezPara", _
"ReportDate", "Addressee", "AttentionLine", _
"PatientName", "SSN", "EMP", "DOI", "DOE", _
"ClaimNumber", "WCAB", "Occupation", _
"OtherHeading", "ReportTitle", _
"NameFirst", "NameLast")
'bText = Choose(bIndex, ReportBody, ValdezPara, ReportDate1, Addressee,
AttentionLine, PatientName, SSN, EMP, DOI, DOE, ClaimNumber, WCAB,
Occupation, OtherHeading, ReportTitle, PatientFirstName, _
bText = "123-45-6789"
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bBkm).Range
oRng.Text = bText
Select Case bIndex
Case 7 'SSN
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
.Add Name:=bBkm, Range:=oRng
With .Item(bBkm).Range.Font
.Bold = False
.AllCaps = True
End With
End With
'The text "SSN: and tab" should be part of the document.
End Select
End Sub

Greg Maxey

Actually you could insert the text SSN and tab with the macro:

Sub Test()
Dim bBkm As String
Dim bText As String
Dim bIndex As Long
Dim oRng As Range
For bIndex = 7 To 7 '1 To 17
bBkm = Choose(bIndex, "ReportBody", "ValdezPara", _
"ReportDate", "Addressee", "AttentionLine", _
"PatientName", "SSN", "EMP", "DOI", "DOE", _
"ClaimNumber", "WCAB", "Occupation", _
"OtherHeading", "ReportTitle", _
"NameFirst", "NameLast")
'bText = Choose(bIndex, ReportBody, ValdezPara, ReportDate1, Addressee,
AttentionLine, PatientName, SSN, EMP, DOI, DOE, ClaimNumber, WCAB,
Occupation, OtherHeading, ReportTitle, PatientFirstName, _
bText = "123-45-6789"
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bBkm).Range
Select Case bIndex
Case 7 'SSN
With oRng
.Text = "SSN:" & vbTab & bText
.MoveStartUntil Cset:=vbTab, Count:=wdForward
.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
End With
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
.Add Name:=bBkm, Range:=oRng
With .Item(bBkm).Range.Font
.Bold = False
.AllCaps = True
End With
End With
End Select
End Sub


'The text "SSN: and tab" should be part of the document.

I don't want this part of the document unless there is data to be put there,
otherwise all the headings have to be deleted.

Greg Maxey

BTW, I don't know where your bText values are coming from. I just
substituted a string so I could work through this.

Yes that is right, redefining the bookmark range would come after the select

Sub Test()
Dim bBkm As String
Dim bText As String
Dim bIndex As Long
Dim oRng As Range
For bIndex = 7 To 7 '1 To 17
bBkm = Choose(bIndex, "ReportBody", "ValdezPara", _
"ReportDate", "Addressee", "AttentionLine", _
"PatientName", "SSN", "EMP", "DOI", "DOE", _
"ClaimNumber", "WCAB", "Occupation", _
"OtherHeading", "ReportTitle", _
"NameFirst", "NameLast")
'bText = Choose(bIndex, ReportBody, ValdezPara, ReportDate1, Addressee,
AttentionLine, PatientName, SSN, EMP, DOI, DOE, ClaimNumber, WCAB,
Occupation, OtherHeading, ReportTitle, PatientFirstName, _
bText = "123-45-6789"
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bBkm).Range
Select Case bIndex
Case 7 'SSN
With oRng
.Text = "SSN:" & vbTab & bText
.MoveStartUntil Cset:=vbTab, Count:=wdForward
.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
End With
End Select
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
.Add Name:=bBkm, Range:=oRng
With .Item(bBkm).Range.Font
.Bold = False
.AllCaps = True
End With
End With
End Sub

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