Keyboard shortcut for a particular word in Word?



For a paper, I frequently use a word with a symbol in it that is cumbersome
to type. Is there a keyboard shortcut I can create so I don't have to retype
it again and again?

Jay Freedman

For a paper, I frequently use a word with a symbol in it that is cumbersome
to type. Is there a keyboard shortcut I can create so I don't have to retype
it again and again?

Select that word in a document. Go to Tools > AutoCorrect Options and enter a
short "name" for the entry. If you don't see the symbol in the right-hand box,
click the Formatted Text option button above it.

A good short name is one that you won't type by mistake or anywhere else, for
example two or three letters followed by a slash character.

When you type this name in a document, Word will replace it with the full
version you originally highlighted.


If it's a symbol you're going to use in places other than that one
word, you can create a keyboard shortcut for the character itself.

Under Insert | Symbol, find the item you need in the display, click on
it once to select it, and find the button for "Keyboard Shortcut."
Then type some key combination that you'll remember (and that isn't
already used for something else), click "Assign" ("Save in Normal" or
"Save in Template" should already be checked by default), and then you
can easily type it whenever you need it.

For instance, I often need to type letters with a dot underneath. For
all such letters, I assigned keyboard shortcuts of Ctrl-Alt-Period,
<letter>. For letters with a v-shape above (a hachek), I use Ctrl-Alt-
v, <letter>.

(This is for Word2003. Is it different in Word2007?)


Thanks for your suggestion on keyboard shortcuts for individual characters.
This, too, will come in handy.


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