Looking for PowerPoint Developer




Hopefully this is an appropriate forum in which to post this message.

My company, ForgeFX, is looking for an individual or small company to
produce a large number of PowerPoint slides/presentations. These
slides will be conversion of content from a textbook.

Here's a description we've posted on some job boards:

The work that needs to be done entails developing PowerPoint
presentations with a complex navigation structure, animated build
features and extensive links to external files. Also, these
presentations must closely mimic pre-existing layouts from printed
Specifically, we're looking for people who are:
· Highly organized
· Very detailed-oriented
· Experienced PowerPoint professionals
These presentations must be setup to run across a minimum system
requirement which include a number of Mac and PC operating systems as
well as multiple versions of PowerPoint as far back as PowerPoint 97.

We require our applicants to produce a six slide mini-presentation in
order to ensure well-qualified appicants with good communication

Please see the link below for more details:




I agree with Steve about Quicktime files. They do not work well with Windows
computers using PowerPoint. I would convert them to mpg files.

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