media player using iframe - howto4newbie


Beemer Biker

I have a drop down box that shows jpg's in an inline frame. When I added a
couple of wmv they do not show up in the iframe. I googled around saw where
one author used an htm page that identified the player. The name of the htm
page was then "executed' (probably not the right term)

The page would have something like this (copied from the authors site

=== one page for each item in table had like the following ====

<object id="MediaPlayer"
standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."
<param name="FileName"
<param name="AnimationatStart" value="true">
<param name="TransparentatStart" value="true">
<param name="AutoStart" value="true">
<param name="ShowControls" value="TRUE">
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2"
name="MediaPlayer" showcontrols="TRUE" width="320" height="280"></embed>

=======end of code segment from ed's page===

Can this be done using html or jscript where I can create "object id" on the
fly, or just be able to change the name of the "src" above? I want to use
my existing dropdown (or maybe add a one just for movies) and launch the
movies into my inline frame. Currently I got the following code and would
like to not change it much
============start of existing code segment that works for images, not

<script language="JavaScript">
function ShowWacky()
var sD = document.getElementById('id_selectwacky');

function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");


<select size="5" onchange="FP_jumpMenu(this,'iframe1',false)"
id="id_selectwacky" name="SelectWacky" style="color: #0000FF;
position:relative; left:10">
<option value="" selected>Not your
typical bike for sale adv</option>
<option value="">Honda Tours Harley

<option value="">Learn To
Ride Movie</option>
<option value="">Crash on cam -
who is at fault?</option>

</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="button" value="GO"
onclick="ShowWacky()" name="SelectDivision2" style="color:
<p align="left">

<iframe name="iframe1" src=""
width="738" height="265">Your browser does not support inline frames or is
currently configured not to display inline frames.

================end of sample code segment that does images ok=============

...thanks.. (see below url for "Wacky Bike" code on my club page)

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