Merge Fields Re-formating into different sizes



I'm using Word/Excel 2007 to do a letter mail merge.

For some reason when I merge the address fields: <Name>, <AddressL1>,
<City>, etc...they are reformatting the last word of the line to be a 10
point font when everything else is 12 point.

Ex: the <Name> field includes First Middle Last. First and Middle names will
be 12 point font and the Last name will be 10 point.
Likewise, <City> such as San Francisco - San shows up as 12 point and
Francisco becomes 10.

I tried reformatting it all to 12, but it resets itself as soon as I switch
to another record. I also right clicked on it to edit the field, changed the
field properties to Title case and checked the Preserve formatting during
updates box. So far nothing has worked. This seems like a weird problem that
I've never run into before.

Please help,


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Use Alt+F9 to toggle on the display of field codes in the mail merge main
document and inside the closing } of the problem field, insert a

\* charformat

switch. You can remove the

\* mergeformat

if there is one. Then apply the desired formatting to the M of MERGEFIELD
and toggle off the display of the field codes. That should overcome the

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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