Merge from Access 2007 to Word 2007



I've got a mailmerge set up (VBA) merging data from Access 2007 to Word
2007. Everything works fine EXCEPT for trying to get a chart snapshot file
included in the merge document.

Each merge record includes a field with the complete path to the required
snapshot file and in the merge document I've included this merge field:
{ IncludePicture "{ MergeField PathToChart }" }

After executing the merge, this field becomes something like:
{ IncludePicture "C:\\thepath\\tothechart\\chart.snp" }

But that's as far as it goes; while the code seems to be correct, it
doesn't get executed as part of the merge. I have tried selecting the
document and pressing F9 to recalculate but no joy. Manually inserting the
snapshot works fine but I just can't get it automated.

I've already seen the info suggested in another msg at
but got no further.

Anyone have any other tips? Has anyone actually gotten this kind of thing
to work in Office 2007? Thanks for any help

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Did you use Ctrl+F9 to insert the outer { } in the field construction

{ IncludePicture "{ MergeField PathToChart }" }

I am guessing that you probably entered them from the keyboard using
Shift+[ and Shift+]. That will not work.

If you did enter them correctly, try pressing Alt+F9 to toggle off the
display of the field codes.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Hi Doug.

Yes, I used Ctrl+F9. If I toggle Alt+F9, the whole merge code
disappears/appears like it should so I think that means they were entered

.... Ron

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

In that case, you may need to use Ctrl+A to select the whole document and
then F9 to update the fields.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Ronn said:
Hi Doug.

Yes, I used Ctrl+F9. If I toggle Alt+F9, the whole merge code
disappears/appears like it should so I think that means they were entered

... Ron

Did you use Ctrl+F9 to insert the outer { } in the field construction

{ IncludePicture "{ MergeField PathToChart }" }

I am guessing that you probably entered them from the keyboard using
Shift+[ and Shift+]. That will not work.

If you did enter them correctly, try pressing Alt+F9 to toggle off the
display of the field codes.


Yup, I've done that too. Well, I'll kust keep bashing away at it or try
some other method (if I can think of one!). I'm assuming from your
responses that you have actually seen this working with Office 2007, yes?
So there must be something else at play. Thanks for your help.
.... Ron

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I have not tried it with a .snp file, but in an ordinary document do you get
a picture if you use just

{ IncludePicture "C:\\thepath\\tothechart\\chart.snp" }

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Yes, I've been able to do the same thing manually (which initially gave me
hope!) It just seems that automating it is the problem -- automation does
work with bmp files (for example) but not with .snp or .pdf files.

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