microsoft language register doesn't work



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Processor: Intel There seems to be something wrong with the copy of Office that I have.

When I double-click on Microsoft Language Register, nothing happens. Dragging MS Word on top of the icon doesn't do anything either; it just moves Word to that folder.

Based on another post, I tried typing this into Terminal:

cd '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008'
(cd './Additional Tools/Microsoft Language Register/Microsoft Language'; ln -s Merp.framework merp.framework)

I'm hoping there's a solution other that removing and reinstalling the entire package.

One caveat is that the version I have is an educational license. (I'm a student.), so maybe it isn't enabled. However, that would be frustrating because there is no indication, either from the Help system or the fact that the file exists (but doesn't open), that I have less than a full version.

I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

John McGhie

What were you expecting the Language Register to do?

Did you follow the process in the help topic "Turn on Japanese language

I have no idea what creating a symbolic link to the Microsoft Error
RePorting framework would do, but it's unlikely to be good things :)

Your educational licence affects only the conditions under which you have
(your institution has...) agreed to use the software, it does not effect the
software provided. You have the full version.

However, if you omitted the Japanese fonts when you installed, the Japanese
Language features can't operate.

Yes, I suspect that a full "Remove and Replace" may be your quickest way out
of the problem. Following is a full explanation of the process...

Make sure you have your Office CD and your Product Key handy: if you Remove
Office without them, there¹s no way to get it going again.

Don¹t try to ³migrate² any part of Office, including the Preferences, from
anywhere. Many of the computers we see in a bad situation are that way as a
result of using the Migration Assistant. Bringing documents across is fine.
If you bring anything else across, chances are you will never get the bugs
out until you nuke the OS from Orbit and reinstall everything.

Be careful of utilities that offer to ³Help² or ³Improve² Microsoft Office.
Things such as Monolingual operate by ripping out software modules. After
that, it¹s not going to work properly, and there is no warranty cover for
³interfering with the software code². You may wish to reflect on the fact
that ³Open Source² does NOT make it ³good². Open source means ³you can get
the source code, and inspect it line by line to see what it says. Then
compile it yourself, so you know what it does. If you¹re that good at
software development... If you DON¹T inspect the code line by line, you may
very often discover that the people who create open source software know a
great deal less about the applications they are coding for than Apple and
Microsoft do :) Please be aware that the fact that you find software on
the Apple download site does NOT mean that it doesn¹t do anything bad; just
that it doesn¹t do anything bad to APPLE...

The sequence is this:

1. Ascertain adequate machine resources

2. Get rid of Haxies and Helpers

3. Disconnect all but the boot drive.

4. Remove Office

5. Remove all previous resources and prefs from previous installations

6. Check and update the printer driver

7. Update the Operating System

8. Power-off restart

9. Fix disk permissions

10. Install Office 2008

11. Install two service packs and all the updates to 12.2.4

12. Resolve all Font Duplicates by removing the old versions from the

13. Clear out all caches

14. Launch Word

If you do all of that, in that sequence, Office 2008 will run fast and
stable (well: I have not yet run into a copy that doesn¹t...)

Now, let me explain each step:

1. Ascertain adequate machine resources

a. OS 10.6.2 requires 2 GB of RAM to run properly with Office 2008 plus
everything else you use.

b. If the processor is a PowerPC, you need twice as much, because PPC code
unpacks to twice the size in memory.

c. If you are prepared to discipline yourself to Quit each application
whenever you are not actively using it, you will ³get away² with half the
memory, but the system will always be slow, and will lock up on complex

2. Get rid of Haxies and Helpers

Things such as SpellCatcher and TypeItForMe insert themselves between
your keyboard and Word.

Some of them will make Word glue-slow.

Take them all out (uninstallŠ Many of them load background processes
that you may not be aware ofŠ)

Once you have resolved the problems, you can re-introduce the Haxies,

3. Disconnect all but the boot drive.

a. The Installer is a simple-minded beastie. Unless you give it a choice
of precisely ONE drive, it can do strange things.

b. You can put the other drives back at the end of the process: but like
kids in candy stores, if other drives are visible during this process, bad
things can happen.

4. Run the Remove Office utility

a. It will be in /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Additional
Tools/Remove Office.

5. Remove all previous resources and prefs from previous installations

a. Find and delete the file Normal.dotm.

Unless you have moved it, it should be in:

/Users/~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/

b. If the following files exist, remove or rename them:

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (10)

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (11)


~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008 (the whole folder!)

4. Check and update the printer driver
Some applications, particularly Excel, will run like treacle in winter
if all of the following is true:
· The Printer is Hewlett Packard

· The driver has not been updated

· The paper size is not US Letter

· The View is Page Layout View

5. Update the Operating System
Microsoft Office relies on updates to OS X being in place. If
your operating system is not at or above OS 10.6.3, some things won¹t work
well. There is no way to predict ³which² things.

6. Power-off restart
We want Unix to run its system clean-up tasks.
a. Shut down the computer and wait until the power turns off.

b. Then restart.

This triggers various Unix clean-up tasks.

6. Fix disk permissions

We need to ensure that the installer has permission to write to
the folders where we want it to place things.
a. Start Disk Utility

b. Choose ³Repair Permissions²

7. Install Office 2008

a. Stick the DVD in the hole and let it do its thing.

b. Do not attempt to install anywhere but the Applications folder of the
boot drive. If you really need to move stuff later (why?) then you can use

c. If you neglected to disconnect the external drives, this is where the
fun times begin. It¹s better to start again than try to correct it!

d. If you migrate anything, it won¹t work and you will get to start again.

e. Once you have installed it, do not attempt to ³improve² it with other
applications such as Monolingual

8. Install two service packs and all the updates to 12.2.4:

Download and apply the following Microsoft updates in the following order:

a. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 1 (12.1.0)

b. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 2 (12.2.0)

c. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.2.3 Update

d. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.2.4 Update

When you re-installed, all your software went back to ³Version 0². Unless
you update at this point, you just reinstated all the bugs that have ever
been fixed. Chances are, you won¹t be able to open Entourage at all unless
you update, because the database was upgraded in one of the fixes.

9. Resolve all Font Duplicates by removing the old versions from the

The Installer is a simple-minded beastie. It can¹t tell whether the fonts
it needs are already on the system or not (Apple can take part of the blame
for that: it won¹t tell the Installer whether a font is there or not...)

So the Installer adds a complete new set of Microsoft fonts when it runs.

If you don¹t get them out, the system will suffer constant problems.
Duplicate fonts is the most common cause of ³crashing² and ³slow

If you want Language features to work, don't take out anything except
duplicates: some characters are drawn from international fonts.

a. Run Font Book

b. Look in the Font Book help for information on how to find and disable
duplicate fonts.

c. The Help Topic is headed ³If a warning symbol appears next to a font

d. If you don¹t do this, nothing will work right.

10. Clear out all caches

a. Download and run a copy of OnyX from

b. Follow its instructions.

c. It¹s best to use the ³Automatically do everything² tab: the
instructions are complex and require a high level of system knowledge.

d. Immediately restart OS X (before it has a chance to stick any junk back
in the caches).

11. Launch Word

a. Expect the startup to take a little longer because both the system and
Word must rebuild their font caches.

Hope this helps

Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Processor: Intel There
seems to be something wrong with the copy of Office that I have.

When I double-click on Microsoft Language Register, nothing happens. Dragging
MS Word on top of the icon doesn't do anything either; it just moves Word to
that folder.

Based on another post, I tried typing this into Terminal:

cd '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008'
(cd './Additional Tools/Microsoft Language Register/Microsoft Language'; ln -s Merp.framework merp.framework)

I'm hoping there's a solution other that removing and reinstalling the entire

One caveat is that the version I have is an educational license. (I'm a
student.), so maybe it isn't enabled. However, that would be frustrating
because there is no indication, either from the Help system or the fact that
the file exists (but doesn't open), that I have less than a full version.

I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

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