Microsoft Office 2008 Compatibility with Snow Leopard?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel


I'm posting this message in the hope that I someone will be able to advise me, whether Office for Mac 2008 SP2 will be compatibile with Snow Leopard?

Many thanks in advance,


Diane Ross

I'm posting this message in the hope that I someone will be able to advise me,
whether Office for Mac 2008 SP2 will be compatibile with Snow Leopard?

We are waiting on an official announcement. The following is my unofficial

I think we can safely assume Office 2008 will work.

Office 2004 and Office X run on Rosetta so you'll need to install Rosetta
when installing Snow Leopard.

My advice:

1) Have a full backup of everything before installing Snow Leopard.
2) Read as much as you can and be sure you update applications when needed.

I found answers to many of my questions in this TUAW article: Mac 201:
Preparing your Mac for Snow Leopard <>

Another source:


Two popular applications that many Entourage Office users use SuperDuper and
1Password will both need to be upgraded. The SuperDuper update will be free,
but the 1Password upgrade is $19.95.


Shirt Pocket Watch (SuperDuper) <>

To view what kind (Universal or PowerPC) your favorite applications are, use
the Apple System Profiler. Select "Applications" in the list and it shows
"kind". Sorting by Kind column makes it really easy.

Note: the Rosetta program itself doesn't take up much space - only a couple
of megabytes.


Hi Neil;

One point to add to Diane's reply:

Both the Windows & OS X operating systems have at least one incontrovertible
common aspect -- they're mass-produced, marketing-driven products.

Just like any such product, what is released based on marketing deadlines is
*rarely* right. Those who are obsessed with being the first kid on the block
to have it are the final link in the quality control food chain. Regardless
of what MS or Apple or anyone else might "announce" there will be problems,
and those problems will not be resolved until after the real world stuff
hits the fan. Advice before the product even hits the streets is like
getting reassurances from the guy trying to sell it to you and a gaggle of
other pseudo-authorities who have no first-hand knowledge or experience with
the product.

Once a couple of updates have been released by both companies the dust will
start to settle and a genuinely intelligent conclusion can be drawn. If
compatibility really is the concern "Wait and see!" is the best advice.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I totally agere with CyberTaz. I installed Snow Leopard the first day it
came out. My printer immediately quit working (came back up 3 or 4 days
later when a EFI upgrade was sent out). Programs quit responding and crash a
lot more frequently. I have also had numerous problems with Word. Mainly
stability and file saving issues (it quits responding when trying to save
files, especially to a network drive). I am sure the issues will be resolved
shortly, once it is decided who is responsible. I am glad I have more than
one computer and can use the one that has not been upgraded to Snow leopard
(which will now not be for a couple of months!). It is the last time I will
be first purchaser of a new operating system. I'll remember that when
Windows 7 comes out!

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