Modules corrupt on Exiting Access 2007 DB



I lost a full days work, when I exited a DB in Access 2007, the DB is set to
compact on exit. Not sure if this has anything to do with the problem. But
messages appeared saying that certain Objects could not be found. I could not
get rid of this message so have to end the task.

When I re-opened the DB, to see if all modules being worked on were OK,
messages appeared saying "Modules were miss-spelt or were missing" and when I
opened the Modules, they were empty, all code gone. I am unable to recover
any of the code for this one day. Now have to retrieve a previous days
backup, but I am afraid it will happen again.

I am concerned that I am using Access too heavily, the number of modules are
big and there are thousands upon thousands of lines of code, with embedded
SQL, absolutely everything you can imagine in terms of coding.

Are there limits that I have possibly reached, or should modules be more
split out I am afraid it will happen again and I will be left in the same
situation. Up to this it has worked fine, and is used in production. We are
using it as a Financial Reporting DB, where there are thousands of
SpreadSheets to import on a daily basis and large volumes of number crunching
and export of tables as Excel Sheets with results, just to give you an idea
of the large volume of work that the DB is trying to do.......

I would welcome any advise or experience from anyone on this issue, it is
important to me that I can get access to be comfortable with its work load

Thank you


I discoveded the I had reached the max size of 2GB on the accdb DB and that
is possibly why I got error messages on exist. Does anybody know what I can
try to recover the lost code??

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