MSOERT2.dll Error when i recieve mails in outlook




Got this error out of the blue, using MS Outlook 2003, and it happens
when i click send recieve:

The procedure entry point CreateInfoWindow Could Not Be Located in the
Dyanamic Link Library MSOERT2.dll

THen i click OK, it comes back 3-4 times - and then tries to check the

Sending then goes OK - but recieveing comes up with an error -

I have no virus checker, as google suggests this could be the case

Thanks for any help!


I also had the same problem, been wreaking my head trying to solve it
without re-installing Windows.

Here is what worked for me:

I uninstalled Internet Explorer and Outlook Express and then
re-installed Internet Explorer 6 SP 1.
Outlook began to work but when I re-started the next morning the same
problem occurred.
So I did my uninstall and Install of Internet Explorer again, then went
to c:/windows/system32 and made a copy of

Then I restarted my PC and went to c:\windows\system32 and found out
that msoert2.dll had been replaced to an older version. So I simply
replaced it with the copy made earlier (msoert2.workingver) . I also
copied the working version to c:\windows\system32\dllcache directory.

Then opened Outlook, its been working ever since.


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