Need Bible chapter and verse to auto-update in header



I have the Bible in Word files, and I want to put in the Header th
book, chapter, and verse, and have it update on each page (e.g. Genesi
29:7). I will be printing it as half-pages, so I want the left page t
show the first chapter:verse and the right page to show the las

I have tried styleref, and I can get the verse portion to wor
correctly, but the chapter portion is the part I am having trouble with
The problem is that most pages start on a verse other than verse 1, s
when styleref searches from the beginning of the page, it finds the nex
chapter (most of the time).

I really need an expert to tell me if this is even possible. Is there
better way of doing it besides using styleref? Or am I just missin
something? How do Bible publishing companies do it

|Filename: Genesis.jpg

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